Monday, October 12, 2020

Drinking with women old enough to know better...

 The question is, am I - or are they - old enough to know better... 

Either way,it'll probably end up being a good thing.









We go through batteries like candy around here for some reason. I had no idea Amazon had their own branded batteries, and these have a 10-year shelf life.

MUCH cheaper than Harbor Freight or Walmart 
and better quality too. 
Find some here:

If ya need me, I'll be out in the lanai...




Lotta jack happenin' tonight...



That's marryin' material in my book.


This works great here in Florida.
Will it work where you live?

Got one a while back for the wife's car. 
That's the one we do our road trips in.
It might work for you where you live. It's here if you're interested:


Then again, so's that.





Choices - too many choices...



The first one I had of these when 
I was in Boy Scouts back in the 60's. 

I found it here - take a look:


We'll go out with a coupla regulars, okay?



That's just magic.

God bless this great country.





The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again 
(Shepperton Studios / 1978)

Keith Moon and Pete Townsend - 
a coupla madmen - but brilliant...

Like what you're hearing here? There's so much more 
great Rock & Roll to explore with Amazon Prime Music. 

Right click on the banner to make it open in a new tab and see for yourself:


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