Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Anybody seen Kamala? NO? Good....

 The less I see of some people the better off I am. People like her and Hillary. Yikes... 

Right after Joe nominated her, Trump compared Kamala to Hillary - describing her as a "shallow opportunist who stands for nothing." He also tore apart Harris’ polarizing criminal justice record, accusing her of being “extremely bad to the black community.”

“She’s a bad version of Hillary. She’s a person that will say whatever is necessary and in the end in gets her in trouble. “I think she changes her policy, she changes her tune, for every race, depending on who she needs. She’s a user and she’s not a talented politician”.     



This is Elizabeth Montgomery from  the movie 'Johnny Cool' 
in 1963. You're most welcome.


Another one bites the dust in the Apple.

Despite lines out the door the day it finally reopened, Grand Central Oyster Bar is shutting its doors - yet again - after just 12 days in business. Indoor dining at 25 percent capacity just wasn’t enough to keep the lights on, the company said.
“We must temporarily close again due to the lack of traffic and business implicitly, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic,” president Janet Poccia said. The iconic eatery, located in Grand Central Terminal, closed in March due to the pandemic and only began inviting customers in again on Sept. 30, when Big Apple indoor dining resumed at 25 percent capacity.
It will  be a miracle if even 10% of New York's restaurants are able to survive this fuckin' idiot of a Mayor. May he fall off a cliff sometime soon.


Amazon Prime Day is finally here and if you’re ready you should take advantage of all the deals. Prime Day features discounts on a variety of items, including furniture, clothing and kitchenware.



There's so much music to explore with 
Amazon Prime Music - I know - I'm hooked.
Right click on the banner to make it open it
 in a new tab and see for yourself:


Please god, please - spare me the details.


Lillian Muller was the 1976 Playboy Playmate who was dancing in the video for Van Halen's "Hot for teacher"


"Hilarious Monkey shines". Go figure.


Ain't many like him around these days, 
that's for sure...


This is a really comfortable work shoe, 
and I hate work shoes. 
I just can't wear sneakers 
all the time - especially when 
I'm up on a roof.

Find 'em here at a really good price - under $40 bucks:

I'm so old, I remember when The Newark (NJ) Star Ledger was actually a good newspaper. 

Nowadays cats won't even shit on it. Newspapers are fairly good reflections of the demographics they serve. 
I rest my case.


I'm so old I remember what this is/was...

And I remember my father's admonition that I should 'always have a dime in my pocket so you can call home if you get in trouble'. If you got in trouble, calling home was the LAST thing you wanted to do. Juss' sayin'.


I really can't think of anyone who could be less 'Presidential' than this guy. Maybe that's why he's as polarizing as he is.

President Donald Trump marked his official return to the campaign trail in Florida by tossing masks into the crowd as he walked onstage for his Florida rally. He called the coronavirus pandemic a 'lovefest', proclaimed that he was newly 'immune,' and threatened to kiss members of his crowd. 
'One thing with me, the nice part: I went through it, now they say I'm immune,' Trump said Monday night at the Orlando Sanford International Airport. 'I feel so powerful, I'll walk into that audience. I'll walk in there, I'll kiss everyone in that audience. I'll kiss the guys and the beautiful women, everyone, I'll just give you a big fat kiss.'

Ya know, I've seen this more than a few times. I gotta figure this is staged or from a movie or something. There's just no fuckin' way this could be legit - this chic is just too friggin' good at that. 

Why Are Schools Closed if Child Care Centers Are Open? School is a form of child care. Child care, at its best, fosters children’s development. So how come they treat them so differently?



We usta call 'em 'backpacks'. 
Now they're called 'bug-out bags'. Who cares what ya call 'em - this is a great bag to have, period.

Are you ready to get out and get going with one of these?
I sure as fuck am - man do I need a road trip.

It's a great bag for less then $ 34.00. 
Get one for yourself here:


Trump slams 'Sleepy' Joe Biden after Democrat forgets Mitt Romney's name and calls him 'that Mormon senator' - then declares he is running for the Senate in latest slip

Stunod is Southern Italian dialect for "stupid" or having one's head in the clouds and not paying attention, from the Italian "stonato" which means, "out of tune"

Paulie Walnuts was one of the greatest characters ever on TV. Ever. Juss' sayin'.



I almost don't wanna admit that I didn't even know they were playing the finals. It was my wife that told me that the Lakers had won. It's almost un-manly of me I think. 
Truth is though, I couldn't give a flyin' rat's ass fuck about basketball, or any and all these tattooed jerkoffs.

I'll leave ya with this:


A good long- and hand gun cleaning kit that has everything you'll need in one easy to store case.

Find it here:

The rooftops of Belfast are pretty spectacular. They didn't build houses without a whole buncha fireplaces 'cause there weren't furnaces back in them days.

I have a new-found appreciation for Candy Loving. 
Wonder why.

Just a reminder of where we've been in this country during my lifetime.

Honestly - when he was in office and on TV all the time, didn't you think he was a little fuckin' batty?





  1. My only knock against Joe Morgan was the fact that when Ryne Sandberg got inducted he didn't show up at the ceremony and the reason was because he was jealous of Sandberg. He never liked that most experts, including myself felt that Sandberg was a superior fielding 2nd baseman, for that matter so was Robbie Alomar. In fact listening to Morgan when he was announcing one got the feeling many times that Morgan thought they should of shut down anymore entries into the Hall after his induction

  2. And as far as your appreciation of Candy Loving. Yes,Yes,and Yes! I'd be really curious how she aged

  3. Lots of girls can go out for a long one (insert punchline) if they grew up with brothers.

  4. Candy will be making more appearances, trust me...

    Staged or not it's pretty cool, right Ed?


We will not be posting during the debate out of respect for the candidates. Yeah, right. GTFOH. Here's my very own HillBetty...

Here's a gal who should have been on  Twisted Hillbilly's Fakebook page...     Ya know I'm a sucker for poses like this. Maybe I...