Saturday, August 29, 2020

Saturday morning is no different

In this mask-wearing, quarantine crazy pandemic bullshit world, every day just rolls in to the next... 


I like this guy - showing off his new dashboard coffeemaker on the dashboard of his car. According to the designer, the machine held enough water for three cups of coffee and can also be used for preparing soups, boiling eggs, or heating water for washing or shaving.

A little bitta Doobies never hurt nobody.


Unseen angle of The Martin Luther king's speech in 1963. More than 200,000 people listened as Reverend King delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. on August 28, 1963.

And this was yesterday. Don't these 
fuckin' people have jobs?

Seattle-based activists arrested in Kenosha after filling up gas cans



Yeah - where was that album back in '78
 when I was dating Lori Johnson?

 Looking for a good soft-sided 
 handgun and ammo range bag?

Comes in black or tan - the link is the black one. 
This may be perfect for you - take a look:

They march and they riot and they wreck shit and they go crazy every time something like this event is reported, and then follow-up items like this one are ignored. Why do you suppose that is? Doesn't fit their narrative perhaps?


The "Keep America Great" website might sound like something that belongs to President Trump, but the site says it was paid for by Biden for President.

Mr. Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan got a slight facelift for his 2020 presidential run, with the campaign adopting "Keep America Great" as its official new slogan., however, features what it says are promises made by Mr. Trump that were broken. "Trump isn't looking for a second term – he's looking for a do-over," the site says. 


Susan Sarandon at the Cannes Film Festival in 1978.
She an interesting woman.

I think this is fuckin' hilarious...

So much for free speech. A New Jersey teen organized a Black Lives Matter rally that lasted 90-minutes — and days later, was handed a bill from the mayor for $2,500 to cover “police overtime.”
Emily Gil set up the protest for late July in Englewood Cliffs to bring attention to the lack of affordable housing in the North Jersey town. “Racial inequality didn’t start the day George Floyd was murdered. In fact, by skirting affordable housing requirements for decades, you’ve worsened the problem in your own town,” Gil wrote online on June 24.
The 18-year-old reached out to borough officials to schedule a demonstration but a meeting never materialized after Mayor Mario Kranjac insisted on a face-to-face meeting during the pandemic, according to the report. The rally went ahead — with Gil, a borough resident, speaking with the police chief just before the July 25 event — and drew less than three dozen attendees, the report says.

Four days later, she got a bill for $2,500.

Another great takedown.

Coronavirus cases are surging again in Europe after months of relative calm, but the second wave looks different from the first. 
Fewer people are dying, and the newest and mostly younger victims of the pandemic need less medical treatment, but let's keep everything shut down and fuck up the world economy just for giggles, okay?

Bruce Wayne and his ward playing with little cars. That whole 'ward' thing is kinda creepy, isn't it?


No shit Sherlock/NY Times. 
They're all just preaching to the fuckin' choir - you should know that better than anyone ya liberal ass-wipes.


Every driver you'll ever need in one complete setup? Absofrigginlutely.

You'll find it here:



What part of 'fuck that - that shit's 
just crazy' doesn't she understand?

Acrobat Betty Fox jumping rope on a small platform high above the streets of downtown Chicago in 1955.

Another waste product fighting for relevancy. What part of  'Go away and shut the fuck up' does she not understand?



The first ever Disneyland ticket to be handed out. 
Wuddya think that sucker'd be worth huh?

She's got some kinda weird shit goin' on on the bottom lip.


Hey Prez - shut the fuck up and just do it already. 
What the fuck ya waiting for?


Sometimes it takes a while to get to where you're going. 

Ya gotta make sure the beer is cold when ya get there.

This hard-sided cooler will get ya there. 
Comes in a coupla different colors, too.
Find it here:

This just in from the 'TAKE YOUR AWARD AND 
SHOVE IT UP YER ASS' Department:


Greater exposure to light-emitting devices (like cell phones and tablets) after bedtime is linked with poor sperm quality according to some study somewhere begging the question - Do these fuckin' people actually get paid to 'study' this shit?

I'll leave ya with this:


Ya hadda know this was coming - this COVID shit is gonna 
fuck our economy up for years, if not decades.
 Las Vegas will take forever to make a comeback - IF it can.

Taught the little guy everything he knows...








Lotsa great stuff here - right click it to open in a new tab:


Want to find something nice for your wife or girlfriend (or both)? 

My wife's jewelry is now available on Etsy. 
It's really nice stuff and the prices include 
free shipping to almost anywhere! 

See some for yourself here:


  1. That was a nice slot car track!

  2. Not a big Susan Sarandon fan, I guess it's her politics and her hooking up with semi-fag Tim Robbins, I give her credit for holding onto to her looks. But was saddened to hear her Sicilians roots are the same as mine, Ragusa

  3. Trump's waiting for the election because every riot makes more voters for him.

    And we went to Iraq and Afghanistan to protect our cities, not theirs.


'I have a bad feeling about this, Bradley...'

...     Is your 'special lady' friend Irish? She'd probably love to have this... Click on the picture above for information on t...