Sunday, August 9, 2020

It's Sunday night. Fuck it - let's get old-school hammered...

The way most of the women I know drink every day... 

The ladies get together every Sunday morning after church.


The Society for Disorderly Women annual meeting.



Great lighting - almost looks 
like a painting...

Kirk with Mitzi Gaynor in 'For Love or Money'.

Why, I believe that's Sophia.



GREAT shoulders.
I've always been a sucker for shoulders.


Buy yourself a new weekender bag and leave 
the house as soon as you get it. 

This is a great bag at a great price.
Click on the description here:

Lady sang the blues...


Why I do believe that's Sophia again -
this time in color.


Right click on the banner to open it in a new tab and see if there isn't something there that you just absolutely, positively havta have:


You had a coupla aunts like that, didn'tcha?

Another great use of light -
this time enhanced a bit...


"We'll always have Paris".
Imagine how good that would have been in color...
... '

At $ 149.00 for the 20 volt set, 
this is one helluva deal. 

Even Nemo would have to agree.

See it for yourself here:


Damn son - you come walkin' in here without a mask on your ugly face? Now git I tells ya...






  1. The first picture, with all the women at the bar...
    the girl third from the right with the round hat (black?) at the front of the bar,
    that's Marilyn!

  2. Oh! and on the left at the bar is a side shot of Betty Davis!


Here's the UK fucking us out of more money again...

And the EU isn't far behind with a similar 'Travel Fee' starting next year. Okay, it's only $ 12.90 per person at today'...