Monday, August 10, 2020

Imagine having a job that all you did was bitch & moan.

You'd be a liberal congressman - or woman.

You'd be a Nancy... 

What a hypocritical buncha worthless fuckin' jerkoffs.


Andrew Wyeth's 'Portrait of Jennie'

Kanye West will not be on the Illinois ballot for president after the state elections board found that almost 2,000 of the signatures he submitted were invalid. 

Meanwhile in Wisconsin, the state Democratic Party filed a complaint about his nomination papers, which included signatures from "Mickey Mouse" and "Bernie Sanders."


Shenanigans on who's part? Boy, the media is just 
going down hill faster and faster every day...


One of the hotels up on the Upper West Side was one of our favorites - The Lucerne. 

It's now home to 150 homeless people to the tune of $ 175.00 EACH per night. These politicians are fuckin' insane. They don't give a fuck - it's not THEIR money they're pissing away.



There's a nation-wide coin shortage. 
There really is. Really. I wouldn't kid you.

Bust open that coin jar you have and 
cash 'em in. This'll make it easy for you. 
Get yours here:




Black Lives Matter protesters beaten 
at pro-police rally in Colorado

Photo from NY Daily News
A group of Black Lives Matter demonstrators were beaten up during a pro-police Back the Blue rally in Colorado on Saturday. The rally was held in front of the Fort Collins Police Services building where people waved 'thin blue line' and carried signs with slogans like 'defend the police'. At one point, at least two counter-protester groups, including a Black Lives Matter group that had held its own rally earlier in the day, arrived across the street from the pro-police group. It was just about then that they got their ases kicked. Good.

I'm sorry, but who? 
Never even heard of him before.


Didn't know this was on the back 
of The Villages golf hats...

People are mostly idiots, you know that, right?

(In New Jersey, of course) - Police from two counties Sunday dispersed about 300 people from a “pop-up” party that was promoted through social media and hosted in a residential Howell neighborhood, authorities said.

Township officers called for assistance from police in Wall, Brick, Jackson and Freehold along with state troopers and sheriff’s officers from Monmouth and Ocean counties to break up the massive gathering on Wilson Drive in the Ramtown neighborhood.

“PRIVATE Location in CENTRAL Jersey... Advance Tixs... Females $30.00 Male $40.00,” an Instagram post advertising the event read. The post mentioned a DJ and pool party as part of the festivities. The online flier called the party the “Real Big Drip 5.”


This is a serious carry case for serious shooters. 
 A great home storage and travel case.

Take a look - click on this:


Sturgis over the weekend - man I wish I was there. 
It might get interesting...

Why would anyone wanna fuck with 
250,000 mostly drunk bikers?

I remember seeing this very ad.

It's okay when they're shooting and killing each other I guess. Large scale protests and unrest have broken out in Chicago, including mass looting taking place across the city. There is a heavy police presence on the streets following reports of people breaking into businesses and setting vehicles on fire.

Videos posted on social media show police dealing with the unrest. Among the videos is footage of several people breaking into a bank after smashing windows with baseball bats and another showing crowds of people fleeing after gunshots are heard outside a store.


In the US, there have a total of 4,974,959 cases of COVID-19 reported to date. 

Of those, a total of 161,284 people's death have been attributed to the disease, although it's truly unknown how many people actually have died FROM the disease, as opposed to having been 'with' the disease at the time of their deaths.

That translates in to 1,518 Cases per 100,000 People, or an infection rate of 1.518% - One and one-half person out of every one hundred. Deaths from the virus? . 0.0324% That's a little above 3 persons per 10,000.

And for THAT you close down the country - the WORLD - and you expect us to respect and trust you? Fuck you. 


This is certainly different and really kinda cool. 
These Case Club Carry cases are really well made. 






The Art Nouveau style hotel Gran Hotel Ciudad de México 
in Mexico City. Built in 1899.



If this is the way you lean, 
don't be afraid to show your support.
Get yours here:

I wish I had the job of writing the headlines for some newspaper. 
It seems to me it'd be a lot of fun.


The Beirut explosion explained - this is a pretty good breakdown of what happened and why:


And with that, I'll leave you with this:








My wife's jewelry is now available on Etsy. 

It's really nice stuff and the prices include free shipping to almost anywhere! 

See some for yourself here:



  1. 250,000? I heard BLM was going to Sturgis.

    Any word on casualties?

    And, having gotten their asses kicked in Ft Collins, the Lefties are now whining it was mean for those white people to stand up for themselves.

    1. The Ft. Collins thing was pretty fuckin' cool if ya ask me...



'I have a bad feeling about this, Bradley...'

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