Saturday, August 1, 2020

It's a good thing that the year is going by so fast, right?

It's friggin' August already. Unbelievable... 


Back in the good old days. '65 World Series.

Joe just can't make up his mind - 
the talent pool is just too big to pick from.

Three candidates, Karen Bass of California (never even heard of this one before), Sen. Kamala Harris of California and former national security advisor Susan Rice, have emerged as the top contenders for Biden's running mate, according to the reports from the Times and CNN. 

Harris, who ran for president in the 2020 primary, emerged as an early favorite to be Biden's vice presidential pick. However, over the past several weeks, Bass has been moving up Biden's list along with Rice.


Who among us thinks that Joe's heart just 
isn't really in this whole thing?


Thanks to Aaron Judge’s third home run in three games, Jordan Montgomery’s solid pitching performance, Chad Green’s dominating relief work and homers from Gio Urshela and Brett Gardner, the Yankees copped a 5-1 victory in their home opener Friday night in front of empty seats in a ballpark that had all the excitement of reading a lease.

Why are they even bothering? This is so fuckin' stupid this whole exercise. Without asses in the seats the whole thing is meaningless.


Know someone who's put on a few pounds 
in the last coupla months?

Be subtle and tread softly of course, 
but maybe it's time for a little 'prodding'?.

Find a solution with this:
Graphite/Black, One Size (S and L Bands Included)


Greta Garbo’s bisexual character in the precode era film 
'Queen Christina'. This was in 1933

At last night's Nets/Magic game, before the anthem and tipoff , the NBA played a video documenting the league’s commitment to fighting social injustice and racism. 

The Nets donned Black Lives Matter shirts, and both they and the Magic players knelt for the national anthem.

What do you suppose is the end result 
they're looking for with this stupidity?


Natalie Wood in New York City, 1961.


New York Times union wants ‘sensitivity reads’ 
as part of it's editorial process

The pussification of America rages ever forward.

“Get it right from the beginning: sensitivity reads should happen at the beginning of the publication process, with compensation for those who do them,” the union wrote on Twitter. It added in the memo: “Plan the 'sensitivity reads'​ at the start of the editorial process, not at the end.”

“Someone who is asked to spend more than 15 minutes performing this task should receive compensation, mirroring the existing policy for translation fees.”

As if 2020 wasn't sucking enough already.


Last week, photographer Adam Morland took a picture of Neowise on the coast of Oregon, and just by chance his prolonged exposure captured the eerie glow of a bioluminescent algae bloom, dancing in the surf along the shore. Afterward, Adam said he wept for joy at the sight…


Even Nemo would have to agree...

At $ 149.00 for the 20 volt set, this is 
one helluva deal.  See it for yourself here:




I had no idea it's legal to kill yourself in New Jersey - did you?

New Jersey’s law 'empowers terminally ill residents to make their own end-of-life choices humanely and with respect and dignity...'

From August 1 to Dec. 31, 2019, six men and six women ages 50 to 93 took their own lives, according to the report compiled by the Office of the Chief State Medical Examiner. All but three had been diagnosed with cancer, three had a neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease, one had a pulmonary disease and one had a gastrointestinal disorder. Ten died at home, one died at a nursing home and one died in another home, the report said.

Eleven of the patients were white and one was Asian, the report said. Six were married, three were widowed, two were divorced and one was single.




A Michigan teenager held in juvenile detention since mid-May for violating probation by failing to complete her online coursework was freed on Friday.

The 15-year-old girl, identified only as Grace, was released to her mother at around 5 p.m. after the Michigan Court of Appeals overruled her initial sentence.


These are very popular here in Florida.
Would it work for you?

See for yourself here:


These fuckin' people are all gas and no spark. 
WTF ever happened to the concept of 'working together'?


Surfing in Honolulu? Nope. Wouldja believe Rockaway Beach (Queens) In New York City...

MSNBC and CNN offered little to no on-air coverage of the release of damning documents that tie former President Bill Clinton to the late convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

Is anyone surprised by this?


Recognize this? It's certainly something you wouldn't want mad at you... This is what Special Ops and Delta Force guys call 'The Freedom Dispenser'. 

It's the barrel end of a 'mini-gun' mounted on the nose of an A10 Warthog.

Les bouquinistes (used-book sellers) along the banks of the River Seine in Paris, 1939. Bouquinistes have been a Parisian fixture since the 16th century and remain so to this day..

This is from today's NY Slimes.
How does this newspaper even stay alive? 
They've been hemorrhaging money for 15 years...

An exotic dancer demonstrates that her underwear was too large to have exposed herself , after undercover police officers arrested her in Florida in 1983.

And I'll leave ya with this:


And this just in from the 'I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S ANOTHER 

 My wife makes these beautiful, one of a kind jewelry pieces. Every one is hand-made using very fine materials, yet they're very reasonably priced.   

 Isn't there someone you know who'd 
 like something very special?

Her jewelry is now available on Etsy. 

It's really nice stuff and the prices include 

free shipping to almost anywhere! 

See some for yourself here:


  1. Speaking of Garbo, did you know she and Marlene Dietrich hiked nude through the Bavarian Alps in the summer of 1936?

    1. A little before my time but I mighta wanted to see that...

  2. I think I'm probably the only person in America who owned all of the Pablo Cruise albums when they came out back in the late 70s. Good beach music!

  3. The GAU-8 on the A-10 is not a minigun. It is a Big Frikkin Gun.

    1. It is an amazing weapon whatever you wanna call it...


If she represents the core value of their party, they may not be back in the White House for quite a while...

The poll, conducted March 6-9 among approximately 500 Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents, resulted in the far-left congresswoman co...