Friday, August 14, 2020

Bikinis again? Really? Aren't ya tired of this?

If you are, go get treatment. I like 'em... 

Interesting tan lines...








This is a really comfortable work shoe, 
and I hate work shoes. 
I just can't wear sneakers 
all the time - especially when 
I'm up on a roof.

Find 'em here at a really good price:


You didn't really think I'd leave
 her out of this post, now didja...




... '


If your or someone you know 
has gout, you should read this...

Black Cherry Concentrate does one thing - and one thing only. 
It breaks down Uric Acid in your system
 It does nothing else. It doesn't interfere with anything, 
it has no side effects or contra-indications with other drugs 
or supplements that I know of. It does just one thing. 
It knocks down the severity and frequency of gout flareups. 
I haven't had one in probably five or so years taking just 
two of these a day. It's a fucking god-send. Believe me. 

Click on this for even more info:








While we're concentrating on those sets...

This is a great, complete set at a great price...

Find this low-priced set here:

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Here's one for ya, Auntie...