Sunday, July 26, 2020

Your Sunday Funnies and other stuff

Because ya never know what'll pop up... 











Black Cherry Concentrate does one thing - and one thing only. 
It breaks down Uric Acid in your system
 It does nothing else. It doesn't interfere with anything, it has no side effects or contra-indications with other drugs or supplements that I know of. It does just one thing. It knocks down the severity and frequency of gout flareups. I haven't had one in probably five or so years taking just two of these a day. It's a fucking god-send. Believe me. 

Click on this for even more info:

The subtlety here is not wasted...








My neighbor bought 'em, my wife saw 'em, now we got 'em. Just the way it is around here.

They look really cool at night, and ya just pop 'em 
out when yer gonna mow the lawn...
Get some for yourself here:











These are very popular here in Florida.
Would it work for you?

See for yourself here:










Right click on the banner and it'll open in a new tab










If you're over 30, you should be taking a good multivitamin. 
This is the one I take religiously every day.

Find them here for yourself:






Starlight Park in The Bronx, NY, 1921.



 My wife makes these beautiful, 
one of a kind jewelry pieces. 

Every one is hand-made using only the finest materials, yet they're very reasonably priced. Isn't there someone you know who'd like something very special?

Her jewelry is now available on Etsy. 
It's really nice stuff and the prices include 

free shipping to almost anywhere! 

See some for yourself here:

Comic Book Readers in New York City, 1947. Looks somehow familiar to today's kids with faces glued to their phones...

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How can we believe anything these people say?

There's another, even better example from 2010 with old friend Nancy stating unequivocally that waste, fraud and abuse in Social Securit...