Sunday, July 5, 2020

Rainy Sunday bored to tears but you're drinkin' anyway, right?

Well, one of us is anyway... 

I couldn't wait any longer for you slow pokes. 



I'd drink with Luiza on any day that ended 
with the letters 'a' and 'y'. Absolute perfection.


There's a church that, if I lived just a little closer, I may even give just a little thought to going to a service or two...

South Africa’s Church of Drinking, Where God Worship and Alcohol Go Hand in Hand

“Praise the Lord and pass the libation” is the motto of an unorthodox church located near Johannesburg, South Africa. Gabola Church of International Ministries takes its name from the Tswana word for “drinking”, and it both allows and encourages members of the congregation to drink during service.

The African continent is home to lots of unconventional churches and colorful preachers who employ all kinds of outlandish rituals to attract parishioners. In the past we’ve written about ministers spraying congregates with “holy” bug spray, making them drink motor oil or talking to God on the phone. However, Johannesburg’s Gabola Church is apparently the first to choose alcohol as its main theme.

At Gabola, baptisms are performed using the preferred alcoholic drink of parishioners. Alcohol is also consumed during sermons, with bottles of beer, whisky and wine anointed by the church’s founder and resident bishop, Tsietsi Makiti. As crazy a combination as alcohol and God worship may seem, Makiti has a very good reason for relying on it to attract congregates. He claims that the church’s mission is to welcome drinkers who had been rejected by traditional churches, providing a safe space to drink and also worship God.

“This is where those labeled ‘drunkards’ by other churches are welcome,” Makiti told the Daily Sun. “This is a space for people to come together in God’s name without being ashamed of being drinkers. We are only saying this is an environment where one can drink without being judged at all”

A church that not only condones, but actually encourages alcohol consumption, what’s not to like, right? Bishop Tsietsi Makiti founded his church just two months ago, but it already has over 500 members and has baptized over 2000 people, using the booze of their choice. The holy man claims that he has been overwhelmed with invitations to expand Gabola Church all over South Africa.

If you drink beer, you get baptized in beer. 

The same goes for those who drink cider and other alcoholic beverages,” Makiti said. “This church also prays for their drinks before they are served. With God in our taverns, we would see crime being reduced and love and respect promoted.”

The congregation at Gabola Church is currently all-male, but its bishop plans to make it more inclusive in the near future.

“Women are also not allowed because we have men who are drinking, and we cannot have instances where some of them start troubling these women. We will allow women at a later stage, once our congregants have been well prepared,” Tsietsi Makiti said.


3 in 1 EMT EMS Tactical Knife 
for First Responders

Click this link to see it for yourself:
With Window Glass Breaker, Seatbelt Cutter 
and Steel Serrated Blade

There's also a website dedicated to Sunday Drinking. 
Believe it or not, it's name is

They have theories of their own there. 
Might be worth a look.

Where I  usually do my Sunday drinking...






Sunday drinking Florida style





I realize many of you are still looking for a good source to buy good, 
reasonably priced protective masks instead of those paper pieces of shit 
they sell at the gas station for ridiculous prices.
This seller has these in stock and 
says they do next day shipping.

For men and women. Take a look for yourself:



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