Friday, July 17, 2020

Is it a Rule 5 Friday? You bet yer ass it is.

I need a pick-me-up. These girls might be just the thing I need... 

And, not that it matters, but it IS Friday.

Know what? I need a beer.


Either one would do nicely...




And we do try to be patriotic when we can...


Things have gotten genuinely stupid. You can't go in to a Publix or WalMart now without a mask. They're making me crazy.

If you have to have a friggin' mask, at least 
let it be a good, reusable one like these are.
Get some for yourself here:



Yes - I'd salute that. Most definitely.


Got my wife one of these. 
She loves counting her steps. Go figure. 
But seriously, they do help...

Get one here:

One Size (S and L Bands Included)




And I'd salute that too...


Wow. Them's some deadly eyes...


Right click on the banner and open in a new tab: 






What a wonderful way to go out. 
The wonderful Luiza, Pure perfection.

Speaking of the Missus, take a look at what she does.
 She makes some truly beautiful things.

Want to find something nice for your wife or girlfriend (or both)? 

My wife's jewelry is now available on Etsy. 
The prices include free shipping to almost anywhere! 

See some for yourself here:




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'I have a bad feeling about this, Bradley...'

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