Sunday, July 19, 2020

If yer gonna drink all day -

You have to start early... 

Or as my old friend Captain Phil once said (as he was opening a Bud at 7:30 in the morning) - 
'What does time of day have to do with drinking'?



Mimosas are wonderful for the morning. They are light and fruity, with equal amounts orange juice and sparkling wine. They are the perfect thing to wake up to in the morning and they have the bonus of being very socially acceptable. 
Served as part of morning brunch on many occasions and are a popular casual drink in general. They also taste fantastic.

As drinks go, a Bloody Mary can get pretty complex, especially if a number of spices and garnishes are included. Even though tomatoes are technically a fruit, that doesn’t seem to be the reason that you can safely drink a bloody Mary early in the day. Perhaps the reason is that the tomato makes the bloody Mary feel like a health drink – even if it does happen to be an alcoholic one.


For an early morning drink, it’s hard to go wrong with a Screwdriver. Because the cocktail is simply vodka and orange juice, you can prepare the drink easily. 
It is also a good option at home, where you can change up the ratio of vodka to orange juice (traditionally 2:1) to suit your own tastes. Because of the simple nature of the drink, it isn’t one that I would personally choose to order at a bar, but it is fantastic choice for the home.

I love the way that Tequila Sunrise lives up to its name. This is one drink that looks fantastic and it really does look like you should be drinking it first thing in the morning. The orange-red at the bottom comes from the grenadine syrup. This part is actually added last, but its weight makes it sink to the bottom. Just try not to drink this one with a straw or you will probably end up with a mouthful of syrup.

The Bellini uses peach nectar or puree along with sparkling wine. Generally speaking, a prosecco wine is preferred, but the drink can be made with any type of white sparkling wine. There are also variations on the drink that use other fruit flavors, like the Tintoretto, which uses pomegranate juice. Personally, I quite like the traditional bellini and the peach flavor works well in the morning.

Martinis aren’t really morning drinks, but fruit flavored ones are generally an exception. One of the key tricks with a drink for early in the day is simply to pick ones that look fruity and fun, rather than ones that look like serious drinks. After all, people seem to draw a large line between someone drinking something for its taste and someone who is focused primarily on the alcohol. With the Watermelon Martini in the picture, it’s easy to see how the drink would be viewed as part of a casual morning or afternoon and nothing more.

Going to Home Depot, WalMart or Sam's?
They won't let you in without a mask now.

I know many of you are still looking to buy good,
 reasonably priced protective masks. Here they are.

For men and women. Take a look for yourself:

Like gunfire, Irish coffee is an unnoticeable drink, and it is also a rather sophisticated one. The drink is essentially coffee that includes Irish whisky. Traditionally the drink also uses some fresh cream that is poured on top as a layer. The coffee is then consumed through the cream. Although the cocktail calls for cream that hasn’t been whipped, it is often made with whipped cream instead, especially as it is easier to make this sit on the top of the drink.

Unlike most other items on this list, Brandy/Bourbon Milk Punches aren’t fruity and they don’t use coffee. Despite this, their milky nature and their history makes them a well-accepted choice at any time of day. The basic recipe uses bourbon, rum and milk, along with vanilla extract, simple syrup and grated nutmeg.

Here’s another one you probably never heard of. This one is perfectly acceptable early in the day. As you might have guessed, the Ramos gin fizz does use gin as its main alcohol. It also uses egg white, club soda and sugar like the previous fizz. However, there are some differences, like the use of both lemon and lime juice for the citrus (as well as orange flower water) and the addition of heavy cream. The end result is still a white fizz drink that is perfectly acceptable any time of the day. 

Drinks and comments courtesy of:

Maybe, you're just looking for a 
good price on disposable masks...

You'll find them here for under 14 cents apiece:


And then there's this one - 
Captain Phil's favorite:


And my go-to beer of choice:

Anything she's drinking...

And now, for something completely different...









My wife makes these beautiful, one of a kind jewelry pieces. Every one is hand-made using very fine materials, yet they're very reasonably priced.  

Isn't there someone you know who like something very special?

Her jewelry is now available on Etsy. 
It's really nice stuff and the prices include 
free shipping to almost anywhere! 

See some for yourself here:



  1. And here I thought you were just another bum who slugged down Budweiser all day.

    Very classy, indeed. Malory Archer's kinda guy.

  2. Hi Joe!!!!,
    'Love the "kick off!!" ,,all those nice whiskey drinks!! 'Drank my share and more and 'Love 'em all!! Seein' the one about the "Irish Coffee" got me to thinkin'!! (That's Dangerous!!) One night several years ago now my ol' drinkin' buddy John showed up at the "H00TER's in Den. Spring, la.,!! We were drinkin' up a storm and John suggested "IRISH CAR BOMB'S!!" 1/2 or so pint glass of Stout (preferably the Gunniss stuff!!) and a big jigger 1/2 Irish Whiskey and 1/2 IrishCream... drop the jigger in the Stout and drink vociferously!!.... We; Me, John and Kenny drank a few!! Which got me to outfit my new apartment with all the required goodies!!
    However, I digress... Ya' gotta try this!!
    First the "History'.. back in the late 70's My wife and I lived in Huntington Beach, Ca... two ladies, Joanie and Angelia lived in the apartment next to us and were Coctail/Dinner waitresses at a place in Sunset Beach.. they had a Cappuccino Cocktail to die for with a bunch of liquor in it... We tried making them with some "canned cappuccino mix" but until i got ahold of a "Krupp's Mini Espresso machine" did the drink come to "LIFE!!!!" (That's another story I'll tell ya' at the bar!!)
    Meanwhile!! Get a Krupp's Mini and the following at least one 12 oz Beer mug,... Booz as follows.. RUM (Dark and Jamaikan if ya' can!! "Coruba" if ya' can get it!!" Amaretto, Coffee Liquor (Kalua good i like a less sweet.. "Kaffe' Lolita" or the like!) Irish Cream...(You Choose!!)...about a jigger of each... Put in the 12 oz. Beer Mug!! Got to have some good dark roast fine ground espresso coffee to brew!! When the coffee starts to spew and it's ready to steam... put the mug under the spiggot and froth up all that liquor!!! then pour the entire caraffe of coffee in the frothed mug !!! OMG!! Ya' can put some whipped cream, cool whip, some cinnamon or just straight but look out!!
    Tell me what ya think???
    I know my way around this concoction!! I have burned out 3 Krupp's machines since 1987 and am working on #4!!!

    1. I forgot to mention...."EMILY" was our H(00)TER's Lady that night and she had the concoction down Pat!!
      Oh Yes!!!!!!!,

    2. Great tales of yore my friend... I have some good drinking stories myself - if I could remember them.

  3. There are federal laws that prohibit me from drinking anything with gin in it. Trust me - it's for everyone's good...
