Friday, July 24, 2020

I need a drink so bad I'd...

Well - I ain't tellin' you how bad, 

But it's bad, believe me... 

It's actually like 'red alert' bad.


That'll do nicely, thank you...


Not a bad job, huh?


A good way to protect yourself 
and your loved ones. 

You can find this here for less than 20 bucks:

One of my top five.




Old school thirsty.


There are bars out there you've never 
been in and you know it...

Are you ready to get out and get going?

Here's a great bug-out bag for travel & 
overnights for less then $ 34.00. 
Get one for yourself here:


Wave that flag, babe...





Right click on this offer to make it open in a new tab:


I'll have whatever she feels like making...








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