Thursday, July 2, 2020

Drinking and driving don't mix so stay home idiot!

Besides, the drinks are cheaper at home... 

If ya need me I'll  be in the lanai.


Have you guys ever seen my garage?

My Dad gave me only one piece of advice growing up: 'Always buy more beer than you think you will need, cause it's better to be safe than sober.'

I really looked up to that man...



Games in the basement - life is good.

The Finnish Have a Word for Drinking at Home 
in Your Underwear
You could file this one under “Ideas long overdue.” However, I'm pretty sure almost all of us have had this particular idea before — and have acted on it whenever given the opportunity. It’s just that we never had a word for it.

Now, thanks to Finland, we have a word for “the feeling when you are going to get drunk home alone in your underwear — with no intention of going out,” and it is Kalsarikannit.

That translation of the word is offered on thisisFINLAND, a website produced by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland offering “things you should and shouldn’t know” about the Nordic country. And this is definitely something we all need to know. Google translate gives Kalsarikannit a pithier definition: “Underweardrunk.”

So know ya know that's a thing.




How Did They Support Bartenders While 
Drinking Alone In Their Underpants?

 The Long Drink company encouraged social distance while trying to lift spirits and make the best of a difficult situation. The company donated $10 to the U.S. Bartenders Guild for every unique photo posted to Instagram or Facebook, drinking Long Drink at home while partaking in the Pantsdrunk tradition, with a cap of $50,000. 

While “no pants” is only a suggestion, people must tag @TheLongDrink and use the hashtag #Pantsdrunk to make the donation. The campaign ran from March 17th to April 3rd.


Better safe than sorry 
never made better sense. 
This is a great little security item for your wife's car or your truck 

There are a couple different sizes and strengths available 
but you can find this one here:


I'm proud of new home state...

22% of Floridians working from home are drinking alcohol during their shifts, survey says 

Many Americans across the country are working from as the coronavirus pandemic continues., an American addiction center resource, has released statistics on those drinking while working from home. Their numbers showed that 22 percent of Floridians working from home are drinking during their shifts.

They also said that the drink of choice for workers drinking during work hours is beer.  About one-fifth of the survey respondents reportedly said that they stockpiled alcohol for self-isolation.







If you're over 30, you should be taking a multi-vitamin.

If you're old as fuck like I am you DEFINITELY 
should have one as part of your everyday regimen.

Buy them here much cheaper than at CVS

Did ya need proof that they're dickless POS's?

From dating through apps and online shopping to working from home, it seems Millennials prefer to do nearly everything from the comfort of their couch—and now socializing is best done from home for this generation, as well. New research from Mintel reveals that almost three in ten (28%) Younger Millennials (aged 24-31) drink at home because they believe it takes too much effort to go out.

But while going out is proving to be too much effort for young Americans, the country’s older consumers are willing to make the time as just 15% of Baby Boomers (aged 54-72) agree it takes too much effort to drink away from home.



And sometimes ya don't even 
need to get out of bed.


I'll leave ya with this little bit of perfection:


and you need an excuse to stay home?

This is one helluva tablet for under 150 bucks. 
No kidding. $ 149.99.





  1. In or on the lanai?

    PS Conservative Treehouse says all these "new cases" are more smoke and mirrors.

    Kell Sir Prize.


  2. Lanai's screened in, so..................

  3. Not much of a beer drinker but when I get the urge, ice cold Millers in a bottle can't be beat.

  4. Cans or bottles - don't matter to me.........


What a ride...