Sunday, July 26, 2020

A little mid-day Traffic Jam?

That is a great intro to this... 

Traffic Live 08/14/94 - Woodstock '94

Like what you're hearing here? There's so much more great 
Live concert Rock to explore with Amazon Prime Music. 

Find out for yourself - right click on the banner to make it 
open in a new tab and see for yourself:



Social distancing 
redefined for runners.

Find it here:









This is a great little First Aid Kit for the house or the car. I strongly advise people to have at least one. I really do.

Find one (or two) for yourself here:








Right click on the banner to open it in a new tab or window:


While yer listening, scroll down and catch up on some earlier posts - there a lot there! Enjoy...


  1. nice smooth music. love it
    first aide kits? need some serious trauma equipment inside if it's for automotive/marine use. not much call for quarter inch band aids at a serious accident site. need tourniquets and serious burn and bleed stopping gear. ya know, serious life saving stuff. But, if its just for a soccer mommie, it works.
    did my vision go to hell again or did i just miss the girls?

  2. Good enough for what it's for - this ain't Adam 12...


Here's another one from deep in the Playboy archives...

...      You still have time to find something nice for your wife or daughter. But you have to order it today to be sure it arrives on time....