Tuesday, June 23, 2020

They'll change the rules when it suits them, hold it a minute pal...

Hey Trump dude - you can't pick your own moderators. What were you thinking... 

Biden campaign agrees to 3 general election debates, slams Trump team for seeking more. 
Yeah - what are you guys thinking?


Interesting slant on this I heard on the radio yesterday. The guy said it was probably done but some left-wing scumbag just to get shit fired up. Never approached it that way but it certainly makes sense with all the crazy bullshit going on lately, doesn't it?

Long before cell phones there were comic books for kids to bury their heads into.

Nice of them to make the effort, huh?

MLB Announces 2020 Season? 
We'll see - believe it when ya see it.

The 2020 season is now slated to proceed under the terms of the late March agreement previously reached between MLB and the players’ association. The league has issued an announcement stating that the owners unanimously agreed to launch the campaign after further negotiations with the players failed to result in a new deal.

The campaign will ultimately be established at sixty games in length, though the league announcement doesn’t so specify. Rather, the announcement asks that the players inform the league as to the readiness to begin Spring Training  before assessing schedule length. It seems the season will go for sixty games so long as the players agree to report for preparation by the first of July.

There will be a designated hitter in both leagues for this season, and hopefully forever. I think it makes the game better - juss' sayin'.


Florida Man refusing to wear mask fights his way into Walmart

It's amazing the kind of devotion to duty 
you can get for $ 11.25 an hour...

A defiant shopper fought his way into a Florida Walmart after he was denied entry for refusing to wear a face mask, a viral video shows. The clip, which has been viewed 4 million times, shows the gray-haired man scuffling with an employee at the Orlando superstore Saturday — the same day face masks became mandatory in the county.

With his arms out, the worker tries to block the man from entering. “You gotta wear a mask, bro!” the man behind the camera says. The older man then shoves the Walmart worker, even falling to the floor at one point.

Clearly determined, the man gets up and scrambles his way inside as the worker continues to try to block him. “You want a mask, man?” one person can be heard saying. “I got some!” The shopper ignores the offer and makes his way halfway up an aisle.

“Let the man do his job, bro!” the man recording yells. “Get a mask!”

Ultimately, the man angrily agrees to leave, the clip shows — but not before the worker tells him that he was “spitting all over the fucking place.”

Here's the video:


Do NOT show this to your wife or girlfriend! 

If she does accidentally see this, let her go to Amazon from the blog okay?

You might wanna check THIS out 
for yourself. 

These are good sweat socks - I been buying 'em for 10 years at least and this is a really good price for them. Okay - my wife's actually been buyin' 'em for me but what difference does that make? Shut up.

Find 'em for yourself here:


The bridge to I-ain't-ever-fucking-going-there-istan.

Great takedown.


As New York City emerges from lockdown and enters into Phase Two of reopening Monday, a Soho sex club is navigating how to get down and dirty while still staying squeaky clean and coronavirus-free.
In order for the members-only group called NSFW — which stands for the New Society For Wellness — to open their clubhouse doors again, they’ve rolled out an assortment of new rules and regulations that take the risk out of risqué.
“We had to figure out how to do this in the safest way possible, where no one feels at risk or in danger, but can still enjoy themselves,” says NSFW founder Daniel Saynt. Indeed, earlier this month, the city issued some guidelines for group sex, including to do the deed in a well-ventilated area and keep alcohol-based sanitizer on hand.
What exactly the fuck is the world turning in to?


I buy most of my work clothes here - they're clothes I know I'm gonna fuck up, so why buy new, right?

Pandemic-triggered quarantine has many people cleaning out their closets and considering reselling clothes that they no longer need. 'Reworn' clothing is a growing market that is expected to reach $64 billion in sales by 2024 from current sales of $28 billion, according to a new joint annual industry report from ThredUp, the world's largest online thrift and consignment platform.

According to the report, 62 million women purchased secondhand in 2019, up from 56 million women in 2018. And just this year alone, the online secondhand marketplace is expected to grow 27%, while the broader retail sector is expected to shrink by 23%.
So the reality is, if the  trend continues - by exaggeration of course - there will, eventually, be no new clothes to buy and we'll all end up naked. Wuddya think?




Guess that's what happens when 
the polls have you behind in the race...


My neighbor bought some of these and I liked 'em so much I got a set for myself. They're ridiculously easy to install.

If you put them in to the grass along the front walk like I did, when yer gonna mow the lawn and you don't wanna run 'em over, just pick 'em up and replant 'em when you're done.

Find them for yourself here:



These fuckin' scumbags:

'Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Andrew Jackson's got to go,' protesters shouted as they threw ropes around the statue of the controversial seventh president whose figure is depicted on a horse in Lafayette Square.  

As they tried to pull the statue down, DC police began to break up the crowd and clear the area, according to The Washington Post. 

Chaos ensued as hundreds of protesters were seen locking arms around the statue. With police helicopters flying low overhead, officers used what witnesses said was pepper spray to disperse the protesters.

Jail is way too good for these motherfuckers.



Made another pie for dinner last night.

 Had a little beer buzz going and we ended up eatin' the whole thing. Fuckin' awesome. 

Publix here in Florida actually sells a really good pizza dough (like the one I used last night) for only like $ 3.50. If you're near a Publix, check it out. Makes an okay bread also.

Here's a really good pizza stone 
if you don't already have one:

You can use this for more than just pizzas but remember - never EVER wash it with soap and water. You can scrape off the chunky stuff but leave the baked-on stuff stay there. That's what adds the seasoning to the stone itself - the longer you use it, the better the flavor enhancement you'll get out of it.

Find one for yourself here at a REALLY good price:


Wuddya think that fucker tasted like when it was done? THAT, my good friends, is enough for a guy like me get a woodie just thinking about it.

Salvador Dalí painting The Face of War, 1941.

Honest to god - does this shit surprise anyone? This bullshit backlash against cops has to blow up in people's faces. In semantics, what's the equivalent of racist' when it applies to cops? Policists? 
Nahh - but give it some thought.

Food for thought from the Trumpster himself.



My wife is an 'under-the-roll' person and I'm an 'Over the top like God intended it to be' guy. I'm still married to her in spite of the fact that this roll-flipping shit's been going on now for 38 fuckin' years.

Sometimes compromise solves 
absolutely NOTHING.

I'll leave ya with this:








  1. NASCAR is a manufactured incident. They banned a flag and needed something so they could pat themselves on the back and say "See, there were bunches of racists at our events".

  2. You honestly think Gropin' Joe is leading in the polls?

    The real ones? Get real. And there won't be any new spending until after November. Pelosi Galore can't go bi-partisan.

    1. Despite all the voter fraud on the left and unless there is some sort of "mail-in" election (which I do not foresee), Trump will defeat Creepy Joe in the most lop-sided landslide in the history of the U.S. I agree with you Ed in regards to the polls. Around here, they are all taken in north Birmingham and/or Dallas and Lowndes Counties.

  3. He's leading the same way Hillary was I hope.


sTArTING THE nEW yEAr wROng...