Monday, June 22, 2020

All American Rule 5 with cocktails? Absofrikkinlutely...

I was gonna do it anyway... 





That's patriotic, isn't it?

Them there's some deadly eyes.

I know that certainly is patriotic.

Looking for a handy, inexpensive kit for cleaning 
your handguns? This may be the answer. 

You'll find it here:


Salute them, pal...

And that's our Luiza. Absolute perfection.



There are some seriously good deals and great prices here - 
Right click the banner and see for yourself:





I'm an Army Vet and I'm not embarrassed
 to say that I have NEVER voted.

Just never did  - no explanation offered or required. I will be voting in the next election because shit is getting fucking ridiculous out there.

You know I fuckin' HATE politics, but things are just too nuts for me anymore. Anyway, I bought two of these and I wear one every where I go now. Fuck 'em.

Get one for yourself here:



THAT is marryin' material pal.

I'd salute that every day of the week.

Is is cold in here?

Stars and Stripes forever brutha...

We all know that these are crazy times all over the country. 

Better safe than sorry never made better sense.
This is a great little security item for 
your wife's car or your truck 

There are a couple different sizes and strengths available 
but you can find this one here:




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