Tuesday, June 16, 2020

There is no joy in Mudville—mighty Casey has struck out...

I usta have a boss that, when ya fucked up at something, would say - 'You could fuck up a one car funeral'... 

He'd be right on the money if he knew what was going on in Baseball these days.

The sneer is gone from Casey's lip, his teeth are clenched in hate,
He pounds with cruel violence his bat upon the plate;
And now the pitcher holds the ball, and now he lets it go,
And now the air is shattered by the force of Casey's blow.

Oh, somewhere in this favoured land the sun is shining bright,
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light;
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout,
But there is no joy in Mudville—mighty Casey has struck out. 

Major League Baseball commissioner Rob Manfred told ESPN on Monday he is "not confident" that there will be a 2020 baseball season and that "as long as there's no dialogue" with the MLB Players Association, "that real risk is going to continue." 


This is the town of Hallstatt, Austria.

I cannot imagine how anything productive ever gets accomplished in a place so beautiful.


Now this is just plain fuckin' hilarious:





The Fed says it is going to start buying individual corporate bonds. This is not a good thing if you ask me. It's a dangerous move.


A nice pair of good fitting, well-made jeans for under 20 bucks a pair? How about under 15 bucks? Yup - less than 15 bucks a pair.

Check them out here:

I like taking the old B&W pics and colorizing them myself. This one hangs in our guest bathroom.


This is from CNBC just now. 

The market moves up and down if a robin farts in the street in front of the Exchange. There is almost no rhyme or reason - juss' sayin'.

Everybody's full of shit.
I know it and you know it.

Former NFL coaches are now claiming they wanted to sign the veteran years ago. Current ones are taking calls about him. Hall of Famers are identifying potential landing spots. Super agent Drew Rosenhaus thinks it's only a matter of time before a team signs Kaepernick for 2020. And Kaepernick himself is apparently "more motivated than ever" to resume his playing career. What may be the biggest domino to fall in that regard came when NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said that he encourages teams to sign Kaepernick and would welcome him back to the league. 

"Well, listen, if he wants to resume his career in the NFL, then obviously it's gonna take a team to make that decision," Goodell told ESPN. "But I welcome that, support a club making that decision, and encourage them to do that."

Looking for a handy, inexpensive kit for cleaning 
your handguns? This may be the answer. 

You'll find it here:

It is a bit of insanity, there's little doubt.

President Donald Trump's economic adviser Larry Kudlow has vowed to end $600 unemployment checks distributed as a result of COVID-19, calling them a 'disincentive to work.' 
His comments come after Trump proposed giving Americans a $4,000 tax deduction for domestic travel that he says can help stimulate the economy after the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. The credit would be available also for eating at restaurants. 
Meanwhile, Democrats are planning a new law that would provide Americans $2,000 monthly stimulus checks for the remainder of the pandemic.

Donald Trump's economic adviser Larry Kudlow says $600-a-week unemployment benefits will STOP in July because they are a 'disincentive' for people to return to their jobs and will be replaced by a 'back-to-work' bonus because that, somehow, makes more sense.

What exactly the fuck is wrong with these people?


Ya know what's unique about this?  

I've seen 25', 50' and even 100' hoses, but I've never seen a 75-footer, 
and that size is probably what almost everybody can use the most. 

High pressured, triple layered latex core is the strongest most durable hose on the market making it stronger than any other expanding hose. Light Weight, Compact, Kink and Tangle Free! 


So I was making chicken cutlets the other night, and I just couldn't get Jersey offa my mind. Then I realized why. 
Get the fuck outta here - did I really do that?

Supremes rule gay and lesbian people ARE protected from being fired for their sexuality by civil rights laws. Were they NOT at some point? Asking for a friend.


I used an on-line colorization thingie on this pic. Doesn't really do it justice, does it...


Listen, I don't wanna take sides in this little pissin' contest, but seriously - Biden's a bumbling, rambling , senile worthless motherfucker, and Trump doesn't know when to shut the fuck up either, so there we are.

An American soldier enters the Palace of Versailles shortly after the liberation of France during World War II

Know who he is? If ya do, we grew up together.

A statue of Founding Father Thomas Jefferson in Portland, Oregon was pulled down by protesters as several monuments 'linked to slavery' are defaced and removed in demonstrations across America. Have you figured out yet how fucked your grandkids are?


I didn't know they had stopped...


Right click on the banner to open it in a new tab.


Just some of the jewelry my wife makes. 
Nice stuff, huh?


We all know that these are crazy times all over the country. 

Better safe than sorry never made better sense.
This is a great little security item for 
your wife's car or your truck 

There are a couple different sizes and strengths available 
but you can find this one here:

Because we're idiots, that's why...

I'll leave ya with this:






  1. Ok we're the same age. But who is that guy? I mean besides Lady Dracula 's lover! That moron knee bender is scarier looking by the way.

  2. Here's a good answer:



With all the stupid shit we have thrown at us every day...

 It's imperative that we remember there are things that are much more important than SignalGate or whatever storm in a teacup we hear ab...