Monday, June 15, 2020

Rule 5 or bust? That makes no sense...

Of course there has to be some manner of bust involved, even if it's just me busting your balls... 

Just kidding, of course. Not.

The express to Hooterville is leaving on track one.

That's definitely patriotic.






That's kinda patriotic, isn't it?



I know that is...


Just a personal note - I try to respond whenever I can to your comments. I welcome almost any and all. Sometimes I fall behind and if I do miss something, I apologize in advance for ever and ever. 



(Pun intended)

Perfect for my next serious road trip!
Okay, and yours too of course...

Find it here for yourself:




I don't know man - that's gotta hurt something...



Ashley Sky? Okay. I'd salute that.



And that goes without saying, 
even though I just did.

This is a helluva good deal:

You can tool-up in one 
quick shot at a great price.

Find this low-priced set here:




We all know that these are crazy times all over the country. 

Better safe than sorry never made better sense.
This is a great little security item for 
your wife's car or your truck 

There are a couple different sizes and strengths available 
but you can find this one here:




  1. I have to say, yours is a daily hit to keep me going...what a great blog. Not a regular commentator, but a regular visitor (and NJ born!, but decided to Live Free or Die in NH). Thanks for all the work to keep this thing going!


Sooner or later, we all...