Friday, June 5, 2020

Never-ending nonsense intrigues me.

There's problems at Knuckledraggin'

Kenny's a fellow blogger and sorta mentor of mine. He's a good guy with a big heart and tragedy has struck his home. Give up a little to help with hospital and other expenses. It's to help a really nice guy in tough times.
 Get the information here:


How long will it be before the media starts saying that someone shoulda knew this riot shit was gonna happen... 


Two soldiers of C Company, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division seek shelter behind a M-4 Sherman tank at Geich, near Düren, Germany, on 11 December 1944.

This Aussie porn star says she was thrown off  a United flight after she made a 'speech' about the George Floyd protests on the plane...

She says she was escorted off a United Airlines flight after she stood up to make an unsolicited speech about the death of George Floyd.

Elle Knox, who's 28 has appeared in stellar cinematic efforts as “Bra Busting Lesbians”. She was flying from Houston to San Francisco on her way back to Sydney Tuesday when she rose to her feet and gave a short speech.

“This isn’t my country, I’m an Australian,” she says she told the 300 passengers onboard. “But I’ve noticed your democracy being threatened. Do not be complacent. Decide what side of history you’d like to be on.”


I haven't given up on this - have you?



A bunch of NFL players released some kinda video yesterday demanding that the league issue a statement condemning racism and admitting to 'silencing' Colin Kaepernick.

At what point do these people come up with the idea that they are somehow relevant?

The players - mostly overpaid, spoiled people nobody gives a single fuck about - also challenged the NFL to issue a statement explicitly saying it condemns the systematic oppression of black people and racism. Stars included Kansas City Chiefs players Patrick Mahomes and Tyrann Mathieu, Cleveland Browns' Odell Beckham Jr and New York Giants' Saquon Barkley. The clip was reportedly organized by Saints star Michael Thomas after teammate Drew Brees said he can 'never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag'. The video was published hours after the NFL released a statement saying it 'stands with the black community'.

When I was a kid back in the 50's almost no body had a clothes dryer in their house. This was a regular sight for us.

I'm curious - do you take a multi? 

I've asked this question before and it's still legit. 

It's just a good habit to get in to, especially as ya get older like I am. Anyway, this is the one I take.

You can find it here for yourself. 
There's a women's version available here as well:

Because we're idiots. That's why...

This is the town of Castelluccio, Italy 
(In Umbria - south of Tuscany).

Us and a coupla friends rented a small villa just outside of this town for a week a buncha years ago. Man, that was a fantastic vacation. I really REALLY need a vacation nowadays - don't you after all this stay-at-home bullshit?

If you were me you'd do the same thing I'm doing - NOT ADDING ANYTHING to say about this ridiculous fuckin' idiot. How the fuck does this man have any credibility at all? 

Okay - I do have one question. GOLD coffin? Yikes.


"There are probably anywhere from 10 to 15 percent of the people out there who are just not very good people, but that’s not who we are.  

The vast majority of the people are decent. We have to appeal to that and we have to unite people - bring them together.” 

- Brain-dead former Veep Joe Biden yesterday



I took this picture at a roadside store up on US 301 in Stark, FL. I'm pretty sure that at some point, the owner mighta had an idea for what to do with all of these.




This just in from the 



Members of the Minneapolis City Council  pledged to “dismantle” the city’s police department in the wake of worldwide protests over the killing of George Floyd.

Council President Lisa Bender joined several other members in promises to drastically change how public safety is upheld in the city. “We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department and replace it with a transformative new model of public safety,” Bender tweeted.

Bye bye baseball...

As time to salvage a 2020 season grows shorter, Major League Baseball and the Players' Union (both acting like complete jerkoffs) only seem further entrenched in their respective positions, with few signs that the impasse is lessening. The latest stupidity came last night following a conference call of more than 100 players, after which MLBPA executive director Tony Clark said in a statement that the union "resoundingly rejected" further concessions sought by MLB.

"The overwhelming consensus of the Board is that Players are ready to report, ready to get back on the field, and they are willing to do so under unprecedented conditions that could affect the health and safety of not just themselves, but their families as well," Clark said in the statement. "The league’s demand for additional concessions was resoundingly rejected.

Shakespeare was right, you know...

We've pretty much proven to ourselves that we don't need professional sports and the over-hyped, over-paid jerkoff little crybabies that come with the games.


They usta sell magazines like these in 'Head Shops'

Yeah - I could most definitely do that.

It's about friggin' time they're starting to open up, isn't it? 
I was supposed to be in Vegas next week for the WSOP Senior Open.



This is the Opera Garnier in Paris. Ya know the saying 'They don't make 'em like they usta'? Well, they don't.

Ya see now - this is the kinda shit I appreciate - people FINALLY getting pissed off enough to stand up and fight back against these jerkoffs...

Heavily armed vigilantes wielding everything from bats to rifles have started appearing at protests in Philadelphia, Idaho, California and Chicago, threatening to take action if things turn violent in the absence of law enforcement. Most vigilantes want peace and are focused on protecting local residents and businesses from looters but others have been violent toward peaceful protesters. 

In Minneapolis, armed neighborhood watch groups are standing guard on rooftops to protect small businesses and homes from looters as night falls. In Idaho, retired cops have vowed to 'protect our neighborhoods' amid fears of Antifa groups arriving from out of state to destroy local towns. 

Meanwhile in Philadelphia cops are under investigation after reportedly 'high-fiving' members of a group of white men armed with bats - one of which ripped up BLM posters and threatened peaceful demonstrators. 

In Upland, a California man pointed his gun at a crowd of protesters marching in the street while in Chicago, a white man in full tactical gear defied the 'open carry' laws in Illinois to turn up to a protest with an AR-15.

Here's a great little vid from Idaho:



The people on 'the news' usually are just talking heads spouting opinions about other celebrities and people who were spouting their own opinions. Fuck 'em all. They're all worthless. Do you agree with me on this?


You've heard me mention my lanai a number of times here and there. This is part of it. I think of it as our second living room and I spend more time out here then I do in the house. I mean when I'm awake, anyways...

I'll leave with this, okay?


This is a helluva good deal. You can tool-up 
in one quick shot at a great price.

Find this low-priced set here:






  1. Lanai. Isn't that just a fancy name for a screened in porch to keep the bugs out?


  2. Celebrities and sports jocks are worthless in my book. Talking heads too.

    Wake me up when someone on the left get indicted.

  3. At least she hit the water.

    They don't call him LeBum for nothing.

    And it's looking more like another Freddie Gray, St Skittles, Gentle Giant, etc.

  4. That picture of the two GIs next to a tank? I didn't think Americans got into Germany before 1945 (after the Battle of the bulge).

    1. On September 11, 1944, The First US Troops Cross The Border Into Nazi Germany

  5. Starke FL is a cute little town, right near Camp Blanding. There was a shady joint there once called "the peanut butter disco club". Not sure who the patrons were, but it made me laugh.


Yes, we'll have no bananas...

    The request list was obtained by Fox News’ Bill Melugin, and includes a variety of other supplies, including objects for use in clashes ...