Saturday, June 20, 2020

Did you celebrate Juneteenth? I musta missed it




Know what this is? It's a 'Juneteenth flag'.
Yup. Never saw one before, either.

Honesty is rarely rewarded in my world. 
Juss' sayin'

I'm 66 years old and I never heard of it before and you wanna make it a national holiday? Okay with me...

Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day, Jubilee Day, Cel-Liberation Day or the Black Fourth of July, is an American holiday that commemorates June 19, 1865. As far as I've figured out, it's always primarily been a Texas thing, and now some jerkoff in congress wants to make it a friggin' national holiday.

Texas was the most remote of the slave states, and the Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863, was not enforced there until after the Civil War had ended. 

The fight to make Juneteenth a national holiday has gained additional momentum this year from the corporate world. Some businesses have decided to give employees the day off, while prominent employers from Twitter to the National Football League have declared Juneteenth a permanent company holiday. 

At some point we'll be having national holidays for everything and everyone who needs to be pandered to, and nobody will ever have to go to work ever again. What a grand idea.



This town, Seaside Heights - made 'famous' by the Mtv scumbagfest 'Jersey Shore', has closed its beaches, even for walks, due to the supposed flair up of coronavirus cases.

Seaside Heights Mayor Anthony E. Vaz on Monday instructed the borough administrator to lock all crossover gates at ocean and bay beaches in the borough.

“Closing the beaches is intended to serve as a disincentive for people to violate the Governor’s executive orders and his very strong public comments that directs all of us to stay home,” Vaz said in a statement posted on the borough’s website.

Bear in mind, of course, that if not for the beach that's actually there, this fuckin' place wouldn't even exist. It's the life-blood of the town, and they shut it down so capriciously it's just fuckin' nuts.


In the end, it will not be about policy, nor will it be about what's best for the country.

Former national security adviser Susan Rice on Friday delivered a damning assessment of the Trump White House’s record on race, describing the administration as “racist to its core.”

Susan Rice said electing Joe Biden was vital in order to 'remove Donald Trump and consign those who supported him in the Senate like Mitch McConnell to the trash heap of history.' 

Rice, who has been mentioned in recent weeks as a possible vice presidential candidate, also accused Trump of a 'gross abuse of power' and 'putting his personal interest over national security' following revelations by John Bolton.

In the end it'll be only about who hates who more than anything else. How have we devolved so quickly and so dangerously?

I know full fuckin' well  - and you do too - 
that these guys do this shit on purpose.


I wanted to comment on this, but the truth is, 
I wouldn't know where to start and when to finish. 
These states are fuckin' crazy.

What a cool little side street business. That may be my true bucket-list item - to own a little joint like that somewhere in Italy or France or Portugal.

This company makes a great knife.  
I know - I've been carrying an Old Timer for 55 years.

This one's kinda unique - I like it a lot, and it's under 23 bucks! Find one for yourself here:


There is nothing that I could add to this item besides some lame-ass comment about how some 'bribe-a-cop' things are okay I guess.

4th of July weekends at the Jersey Shore are usually pretty busy, but this year may be a little different. Juss' sayin'

If you thought for even one minute that any of these guys might give a single flying fuck about us fans, yer outta yer friggin' mind.

"MLB has informed the Association that it will not respond to our last proposal and will not play more than 60 games," MLBPA executive director Tony Clark said in a statement Friday. 
"Our Executive Board will convene in the near future to determine next steps. Importantly, players remain committed to getting back to work as soon as possible."


There are some seriously good deals here - 
right click on the banner to open it in a new tab:


What's weird in this picture you say?
Nothing you say? Okay...

But the rider IS wearing a mask. That doesn't seem to be 
somewhere between peculiar and ridiculous to you? 

Oh, guess it's just me then. My bad.



You can monitor your home on your cell phone - 
from anywhere in the world - with this. 

Right click on the banner and open it in a new tab for more info and pricing options best for you:


And the good news just keeps getting 
better and better, doesn't it?


Again, what could I possible add to this accept the fact that it appears to me that no one seems to know who works for who anymore?


And you thought they were for real just for you. I'm tellin' ya dude, 
the world is manipulated against you. Fake nippies. Jeez.

Know what this is? This is the world outside your world. And it's really, REALLY fuckin' giganticly hugely big.

 We are a freckle on the ass of the smallest ant in the colony, yet we think we're so fuckin' important. We really aren't, ya know. Not in the big scheme of things.


I keep two of these in my truck. 
One for electrical tools and one for plumbing.  

GREAT little bag at a great price - UNDER $ 13.00 each!

Get a couple for yourself here:


I don't EVER get called to be a test subject in any kinda tests like this and it really fuckin' pisses me off. 

Don't you feel the same way?

The NJ state Assembly voted 63-10 with five members abstaining yesterday to pass the measure (A1897), one of two decriminalization bills currently proposed in the state Legislature. It seeks to replace arrests for possessing up to two ounces of weed with a civil fine of $50, and also lessens jail time and fines for possession of larger amounts of pot on a sliding scale.

The other bill, which would decriminalize up to one pound of weed, was introduced in the state Senate two weeks ago. Neither bill would legalize marijuana, meaning those found with pot on them would still likely have purchased it from a dealer selling illegally. Instead, voters must decide on the ballot in November if the Garden State will allow legal weed sales.

But the changes would mean fewer people facing jail time for nonviolent offenses and clear records of those with past weed convictions. Those arrest records are hurdles for people applying to jobs, loans and public housing.

But in the end, it's always not how will this be better for the people of our state - it's just another fuckin' money grab. Scumbags.

Because we're fuckin' idiots, that's why.



So I guess ya know by now my name 
really is Joe Jackson. 

I've heard every Joe Jackson snide remark, comment and joke there is, including but not limited to 'You must be the only white Joe Jackson in the world', so save that shit for somebody else. Yeah, really funny. Okay. 

These have been popping up on my Facebook page for the last week or so. Evidently, the folks at Facebook must not look at the profile pictures very closely. Why else would they think I'd give a flyin' rat's ass fuck about shit like this? 
Asking for a friend.


This appears to be a very popular item these days. With all the stupid shit going on all over the place it makes perfect sense. 

Better safe than sorry never made better sense.

There are a couple different sizes and strengths available 
but you can find this one here:



Here's another great tool bag for ya.

Big enough to hold a buncha shit but small enough 
so it's not a pain in the ass to carry.

Find it here:
Rothco Canvas Jumbo Tool Bag With Brass Zipper - Olive Drab


I'll leave ya with this:



  1. All those people on the beach! Am having trouble picturing myself in that, I can't say I wouldn't do it if I lived there but I don't live there and it just looks too crowded.

    The jockey with the mask? Look around you, crazies everywhere! You'd hear nothing but bitches about not having a mask on.

    Legal pot, how many people are locked up in NJ for weed?

  2. I lived there after I moved back from the Virgin Islands and never went to the beach in 13 years there...


Will we ever see Kamala do someting like this? No friggin' way, Jose...

The New York Post reported this morning that Former President Trump  is expected to make a triumphant return to Butler, PA, tonight, just mo...