Sunday, April 5, 2020

I've failed at a lot of things

Drinkin' ain't one of 'em... 


My buddy Ralph from

I don't think there's a failure anywhere in this pic



Oh, babe - watch the backwash.



This is my pocket knife - well, one just like it. Been carrying one since I was about 12. Do you carry one? 
If ya don't ya should. Juss sayin'

The knife is available here for only $ 16.28. 
Where the hell ya gonna find a deal this good?  

See for yourself:



Ain't no failure there, either. Not yet anyway.




There are some great prices online - 
see for yourself. Click here:





Again - watch the backwash babe.

That's marryin' material.

Because I'm patriotic. that's why.


  1. Billy Connelly is a fookin ratbastard socialist. He can take his NHS and welfare state and stick where the sun don't shine.

    Plus his "art" looks like something that a 5 year old would draw.

    He was pretty good in Boondock Saints though.

  2. Couldn't give a foock about his politics. The guy's funny.. Juss' sayin'
