Saturday, April 25, 2020

Drinkin' with the girls again?

The beer's cold, the women aren't, 
So hell - let's get this party started... 

Before we do anything, let me apologize to anyone who's ordered masks and not received them yet. These sellers run out as fast as they post up availability, so I try to stay as current as I possibly can with things I put up on here. You'll find the latest, most available product link at the bottom of this post. Thanks.

Okay - let's get this going.







She may be another keeper - what do you guys think?


I found this listing a while back - it's a legit boot knife, 
and it's really well made.
It even comes with a leather belt sheath.

You'll find it here for 8 bucks less than normal retail:


I like that last move...


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Click on the 'follow' link on the right sidebar.


She not a keeper, but she does reappear from time to time, doesn't she. Wonder where that bar is...







The 'honey-do's' are killin' me with this quarantine business. You too? Might be nice to have some serious toolage to work with - maybe make them a little 'gift' to yourself.

Get them here at a phenomenal price:




Because I'm patriotic, 
that's why she's always here, okay?

Okay - these are the ones that I consider 'keepers' - regular features here. I hope you guys approve of my taste.

And then, of course, the best of them all. 
Somebody find me a GIF of this woman.
 I will be indebted to you forever.



  1. In a dress, name is Luisa Zissman

  2. Thanks to Mel, we'll be seeing quite a bit more of Ms. Zissman. Well played my friend...............


Yer killin' me Auntie - can't get one by you. Here ya go...

...    When you buy your wife, daughter or girfriend gifts of the jewelry Barbara makes, you do three things:  You show your support for thi...