Monday, March 30, 2020

Gun stores are closed, BUT...

Thank the baby Jebiss the liquor stores are still open.
I need a drink (or two or three)... 






Sooner or later they're gonna lift this travel ban shit 
and I think everybody and their brother is gonna need 
a road trip - or two. 

Just had to get a new one for myself - 
this is similar to the one I bought.

Take a look at the one you have and see 
if it ain't something you need to replace.

You'll find this one here - and at a great price:




Holly - go lightly dear...





I've told you about these knife sharpeners before but they're so good it's worth reposting them.  

These are without question the easiest to use and simply the best sharpeners you have ever tried.



Frankly, my dear...





Better hurry up - time's a wastin'


Because I'm patriotic - that's why.



She is just truly unfuckin'believable.


Do you or someone you know need gloves 
during this coronavirus thing? 

This is the best offer I could find for you on gloves that are actually worth buying - there's an awful lotta cheap-ass garbage out there. 

This is surgical grade hospital quality stuff 
at a really good price:



  1. Got any links to available N95 masks? I went looking locally around Jan 20th. There were non available anywhere. I went to several building supply places locally and a couple of pharmacies.


  2. None that I know of Nemo - I think FEMA went full tilt big brother on production - at least that's what I heard...


If she represents the core value of their party, they may not be back in the White House for quite a while...

The poll, conducted March 6-9 among approximately 500 Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents, resulted in the far-left congresswoman co...