Sunday, February 9, 2020

The perfect Oscar night cocktail?

Who really gives a flyin' rat's ass fuck about the Oscars? 

I know I don't... 

I don't know that I'd ever be that creative or that lazy, but it is pretty cool.








I showed you this one yesterday - It's a great knife at a really good price
Take a look for yourself: 




Gotta be a town somewhere in Australia.


If ya need me I'll at Gator's


1 comment:

  1. I haven't watch the "Hand Me a Trophy" awards in years.

    And Re: Lake Pirates: "All your brews are belong to us!"


They certainly would have ever taken Joe this seriously...

I'm trying to conjure a mental image of gigantic dumptrucks backing up to the Rio Grande and just dumping shitloads of wetbacks (that is...