Saturday, February 29, 2020

Reason to celebrate finally?

Don't need one 'cause I was gonna be drinkin' tonight anyways - 

but if you wanna celebrate something, be my guest... 



I think I had one of these once...


Know anybody getting hitched soon?  

This is a grand idea - the hell with their 'wedding registry' - 
let 'em get their own shit.

Get a Gift Certificate here:


Precautions are necessary these days.



Boy - if this sentiment doesn't fit right up 
my wheelhouse nothing does...

Check THIS out:



I would never leave that bar, wherever it is.




This will be the last time I show you these for quite a while. I know you've seen them before - it's is by far the most popular item I've posted here.

This is the best deal I've found on these - a 4-pack for less then 10 bucks apiece!

Ya gotta take a look and then buy them. 
I promise you'll love it and you'll have some to give to friends!

Right click the pic and open in a new tab for info:


That's marryin' material, bubba.

There she is  - I knew I had her in there somewhere.



Ahh - the girls. Wonder where they are...


  1. You did ask for comments so, I love your site, visit it often and think you do a great job. As always, more girls in tiny swimsuits wouldnt hurt


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