Saturday, February 1, 2020

Drinking ills all cures

A cure for the not-so-common cold... 



Man, does that look good...

This was a really funny show - ever see it?

This guy's a bit of an asshole, but they do build some pretty cool cars.

Just got one of these to put in my wife's car. Ya never know, right?. 

See for yourself here:


The lost weekend


Hard to believe he's 80 now...

She's serious marryin' material


That's pretty cool - some people just have WAY too much time on their hands...




Is less then two weeks away. Think of anything yet?


  1. La Croix, dahling! It's absolutely faaaabulious! Like that show; not an oldie but it would sooooo trigger today's pampered perfumed flakes and squalerin' brats.

  2. I live in Red Sox country and can't get the Yes channel here. Not an option from my cable company. NESN all day every day.


  3. And I'm in Rays territory but I can get YES here. For 175.00. Fuck that - I can watch highlights on Facebook every day.


If you think about it, this is absolutely brilliant...

Young man, when you're short on your dough you can stay there and I'm sure you will find many ways to have a good time...   Newsmax ...