Thursday, January 30, 2020

Things we do for love

Not much I'll grantcha that... 



Oh, c'mon - that's pretty funny.


Now you know why I'm a diehard Yankees fan

Show your pride:


Guy on the right? That's the Captain of the Titanic.

Paris in winter

And YOU JUST KNOW I'm a Gators fan

They're out of their collective fuckin' minds.

Imagine the power...

Know who this guy is?



Wow - talk about utility.  

Check this amazing knife out: 


Brilliant. Just brilliant.

Nigel Farage’s final speech to European Parliament cut short after he waves flag





Ya gotta wonder what he was trying to teach the kids. Maybe it was 'How to count to two if you're from New Jersey'.

Tell me why someone - anyone - would ever wanna live in a place like that.

Dawn at the Dark Hedges of Ballymoney, N. Ireland...




  1. Marion Morrison, and the only reason to line there would be no one would bother you!

  2. I really love the hot young women, but it shows just how with age comes a different perspective. Because I think that my favorite picture it Paris in Winter. Just beautiful, and well done. Of course, I would still rather have a hot young woman to warm my bed at night.

  3. You can see by the lack of tracks that no one lives there. Looks a lot like where i ride my snow machine (on a good year).

  4. I don't do cold. I'm over that particular brand of nonsense...


A nugget from the Playboy vaults...

This may be a re-post, but I really like this guy's drawing style... ...       Here's a great idea for a Valentine's gift   for ...