Friday, December 6, 2019

Cleavageville, Florida

Last train to Hootersville maybe... 









  1. Fat bottomed women ? What is it about them that people like ?
    I have been told that African men like them because it indicates that they will be able to feed babies even if a drought happens, and some say Latino like them because .... well, I had stopped listening by then because seeing the fat bottomed women made me feel sick.
    I don't mean to body shame, but I am not of African or Latin American descent, you'd probably call me white, but in reality I am a mid cappuccino colour, my forebears are Celtic and these days I call 4 countries my homeland, so a man of international roots, and here's the thing .... I like slim women with nice mid-sized breasts.
    I like it that French women do not feed their daughters fatty foods, thereby ensuring that their daughters grow into attractive bodied women, not fat arsed cows.
    Should you decide to make the majority of your 'womenfolk' pix be of slim, wonderfully attractive women, I, and I think most 'white' men, would be most appreciative.

  2. Oh, and the dancing women without a bra, wearing the whitish top and matching shorts is the woman from Robin Thicke's video of his song Blurred Lines.

  3. we ain't gonna cut anyone out if they have a bigger butt than others, and the 'white' thing is kinda fucked up so keep it to yourself dude - a woman's a woman and thats all.


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...