Sunday, November 3, 2019

I hate football, but...

But not so much that I won't sit in a Hooters bar and watch it for six or seven hours at a clip... 






Want some for yourself?







Might see her later.

New Year is rapidly approaching - be prepared! 

Might try clicking this also:







  1. rule 64B1a: if the behavior offends you, leave.

  2. Hi Bubba,
    I concur with "capt fast" rule 64B1a...

    also... Back when I lived in Ca., there was a "HOOTERS" somewhere in the L.A. area I think, but never found it... Moved to N.C. in JAN '96 with my old job with scurveyirvin aero and never looked back!!! We were located a "stone's throw" from Fayetteville and there was a HOOTERS downtown!! The Beer was COLD, the Ladies were HOT!! and every night was "Saturday night!!!"...
    That was 23 1/2 years ago. Now and I live in S/E Louisiana.. my "home HOOTERS" is at exit 10 on the I-12 outa' Baton Rouge in Denham Springs!!
    'Amazes me at the "FLACK" I get .. mostly from "ugly women" about "HOOTERS," me wearing HOOTERS T-shirts, me going to HOOTERS and the like.. also the comments where women say I wont't let my "Boyfriend, Husband, S.O.," go to HOOTERS!!! (They (the guys) are obviously pussywhipped!!)
    That's OK, I still GO to HOOTERS and am never at a loss for COLD BEER, Good Friends and Great HOOTERS Ladies!!!!!
    The rest of those anti-HOOTERS geeks can go sit in their "safe space" POUT, PEE-PEE Their Pampers, throw a tantrum , cry "wah-wah-wah they go to HOOTERS!!!" and all that other "Sno-flake stuff"....
    Meanwhile, back at HOOTERS, I'm havin' a "COLD BEER, watchin' "Da' GAME!!!, and carryin' on with my friends and HOOTERS Ladies like the 'HEATHEN!!!' that I AM!!!!!!"

    GOT HOOTERS.........OUTLAW!!!!!,

  3. I've actually only been in one - once. Girls like that are why guys like me go to jail...


Our friends at Twisted Hillbilly keep sending these young lovelies our way - they're the gift that keeps on giving...

...    Make her happy for Mother's Day. Buy her this bracelet. You still have time to get it for her...        Click on the picture for ...