Sunday, November 3, 2019

I hate football, but...

But not so much that I won't sit in a Hooters bar and watch it for six or seven hours at a clip... 






Want some for yourself?







Might see her later.

New Year is rapidly approaching - be prepared! 

Might try clicking this also:







  1. rule 64B1a: if the behavior offends you, leave.

  2. Hi Bubba,
    I concur with "capt fast" rule 64B1a...

    also... Back when I lived in Ca., there was a "HOOTERS" somewhere in the L.A. area I think, but never found it... Moved to N.C. in JAN '96 with my old job with scurveyirvin aero and never looked back!!! We were located a "stone's throw" from Fayetteville and there was a HOOTERS downtown!! The Beer was COLD, the Ladies were HOT!! and every night was "Saturday night!!!"...
    That was 23 1/2 years ago. Now and I live in S/E Louisiana.. my "home HOOTERS" is at exit 10 on the I-12 outa' Baton Rouge in Denham Springs!!
    'Amazes me at the "FLACK" I get .. mostly from "ugly women" about "HOOTERS," me wearing HOOTERS T-shirts, me going to HOOTERS and the like.. also the comments where women say I wont't let my "Boyfriend, Husband, S.O.," go to HOOTERS!!! (They (the guys) are obviously pussywhipped!!)
    That's OK, I still GO to HOOTERS and am never at a loss for COLD BEER, Good Friends and Great HOOTERS Ladies!!!!!
    The rest of those anti-HOOTERS geeks can go sit in their "safe space" POUT, PEE-PEE Their Pampers, throw a tantrum , cry "wah-wah-wah they go to HOOTERS!!!" and all that other "Sno-flake stuff"....
    Meanwhile, back at HOOTERS, I'm havin' a "COLD BEER, watchin' "Da' GAME!!!, and carryin' on with my friends and HOOTERS Ladies like the 'HEATHEN!!!' that I AM!!!!!!"

    GOT HOOTERS.........OUTLAW!!!!!,

  3. I've actually only been in one - once. Girls like that are why guys like me go to jail...


Brother - if this ain't the truth, nothing is...

As my Buddy Mustard usta say:  'You could fuck up a one-car funeral'...