Friday, October 18, 2019

Wake up, damn it!

They're doing it again - collapsing at the worst possible time... 

Ya gotta love the NY Post - they don't cut ANYONE any slack...


It certainly does suck for everyone on the East Coast that these frikkin' games don't end until midnight. There is NO reason they can't start 'em at 
6:00 o'clock. None. Zero. Nada.


Looks like Nancy had a little 'meltdown'. 

I give him credit for one thing - he doesn't give a flying fuck what ANYONE thinks of him... 

New Jersey’s U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez - a true scumbag Dem if ever there was one, had a front row seat to all the drama. Menendez, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was in the room and saw it all. He was still 'stunned' on Thursday.

How this frigg'n guy even has a job is mind-boggling. In all the years he's been in the Senate he has not accomplished a SINGLE THING.

“I have never seen the volatile, belligerent tone and the aspersions cast to the the speaker of the House, third in line for the presidency under the Constitution,” said Menendez, D-N.J. “I have never seen anything like that. It makes me worried.” 

Worried for what you little baby-raper?

After the walkout, Menendez stayed behind with some other members of Congress and took their objections directly to Trump.

“His (Trump's) whole thing is, 'I made a campaign pledge, I’m keeping my campaign pledge,” Menendez said. “The corollary is that he’s keeping his campaign pledge regardless of the consequences to national security.” 

I guess Ole Bob doesn't understand the concept of making a  pledge to his supporters and then actually keeping it.



Fascinating data from my friend at Folio 

They call these ANTIFA chump-asses 'thugs' but they're nothing but a bunch of fucking pussies. 

Why hide your face if your not a chicken-shit little Mary?

Buncha dooshtools.

Why don't we have this candy-ass bullshit ANTIFA nonsense here in Florida or out in Texas or Oklahoma? 

EASY - we're all concealed-carry states. Those punk-ass little jerkoffs wouldn't dare pull that shit here. 

How's that whole 'gun free zone' thing workin' for ya?



One of my personal favorite blogs 
is Mike Miles'

He has a feature that he calls his 'Morning Mistress' and he leads in to it with this girls' picture. I have no idea who she is, but she may well be the most beautiful blonde I've ever seen.

You guys have any ideas about her?


That slick little dude.




No physics lessons needed.


I see these kinda pics all the time and really like them for their structure and perspective. I usually don't have a fuckin' clue where they're from but I don't care and you shouldn't either.





Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire rehearsing a dance for the movie 'Funny Face'. If you've never seen it, you really need to. 
The guy was CLASS A his whole career.



Did you have one as a kid? I can't imagine not haven't had one.

Oh, c'mon man - that's funny - admit it!

That is impressive, isn't it?

Well, that's impressive too. Kinda. 


  1. Ok we don't care but that photo looks like Rio . I've been checking "Ninety miles from tyranny" every morning for a couple of years now. You ,him and " Daily Timewaster* make a great start to the day.

  2. Thanks bud - there are a few more on my blogroll you'd enjoy if you like them...


I was genuinely tearing-up during his speech last night.

 Ever laugh so hard you start crying? That was me last night  listening to this self-important liar-in-chief ...     ...     ...     ...    ...