Thursday, September 26, 2019

There's a lot I don't understand

There's just too much to think about lately...

Black holes exist. 
Any idea what they are?

This is a computer-generated simulation of what one MAY look like.  Kinda scary to imagine.

The first-ever direct image of a black hole's event horizon was a truly impressive feat of scientific ingenuity. But it was extremely difficult to achieve, and the resulting image was relatively low-resolution.
Techniques and technology will be refined, and it's expected that future direct images of black holes will improve with time. And a new NASA visualisation - made for the agency's Black Hole Week - shows what we might expect to see in high-resolution images of an actively accreting supermassive black hole.
Supermassive black holes sit at the centres of most large galaxies, and how they got there is a mystery; which came first, the black hole or the galaxy, is one of the big questions in cosmology.
What we do know is that they are really huge, as in millions or billions of times the mass of the Sun; that they can control star formation; that when they wake up and start feeding, they can become the brightest objects in the Universe. Over the decades, we have also figured out some of their strange dynamics.

And this smug little fuck from Norway 

or where ever the fuck she's from wants to lecture me and you about 'science'?

Explain a black hole for me in a way that I can understand it. Explain how big one is and how it was created. Then, AND ONLY THEN, will I listen to you spew about science. Till then, just shut that piehole little girl.


No need to worry about Global Warming - the end of the world as we know it is here...

Once again, a pageant winner was crowned in Atlantic City.

"She" wore a glittering evening gown, a crown was pinned to the bouffant up-do hair high atop her head and she waved to the adoring audience as she walked the runway.

"She" also happened to be a 6-foot tall drag queen who wowed the judges with an opera-turned-jazz vocal performance — complete with costume reveals and choreography. Sapphira Cristal was named the new Miss’d America Saturday night at Hard Rock Atlantic City’s Soundwaves Theater.

Sapphira, also known as O’Niell Nichol Haynes, 31, is from Houston and currently works as a professional drag performer in New York, Philadelphia and Boston. After winning the crown, Haynes said the preparation for this year’s pageant came from not only seven years of participating in the Miss’d America Pageant, but also being in the moment and enjoying being on stage.

Atlantic City has been a town synonymous with pageants for nearly 100 years.

Jerry McGuire me baby.

I seriously need to hit  Mega or Powerball - I don't care which. 
I just need that mountain of cash to fall in my lap and fuck  
my life up for ever.

A panoramic aerial view of Central Park in New York
Pretty cool, huh?

Ever try this stuff? I swear it works!
I would NOT bullshit ya - it works.


I take one of those pills every night and I swear to you I stopped snoring. Have that little Norwegian chick explain THAT, huh?

I grow Roses and Hibiscus at my house. The roses are Knockouts. 
Amazing details on these.


Know what this is?



They're Impeachment crazy.

Check this out - click on this link:







I've had beers sitting right there.

Fred and Rita.

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