Thursday, September 26, 2019

Gimme a hand here.

and I'm willing to pay - especially for followers. 

The numbers are good considering how new the blog is, and they are consistent. Let's keep this ball rolling uphill...

Leave a comment for more details..


  1. I'm following, butt don't want/need yer $$$ Ha!

  2. Since you said you would pay the 100th person to follow, everyone is waiting to be the 100th except the 7 that are currently following. Maybe changing up your contest rules would help.
    I'm lucky number 7 btw.

  3. Don't want your money, just hope you keep posting! Be patient if you build it they will come.

  4. Eight.
    Now it's eight.
    Does that make you 6% happier?
    Soon to be nine..... as soon as some worthless laggards get off their butts and participate.

    1. By the way... I don't follow anyone else... not even Neebs.
      Anonymous, like a mist in the night I float through life, unknown, unchallenged, and unaware. That's what a good boubon will do for you.

  5. Great website. enjoy the funnies and pretty girls. Thank-You
