Wednesday, September 11, 2019

I'm not gonna go there

Get your 9/11 memories elsewhere if you need them...

And don't give me any shit. It's not like I'm not sympathetic or disloyal. Twitter/ FierceBook and Instagram will have all you need to fill your quota of memes and such. No need for me to add to the litany.


WTF is this?

Prospective attendees will have the opportunity to spend an "Evening with Al Franken” or enjoy “Music & Laughs with Randy Rainbow.” In the mood for some serious discourse? Be sure to check out the events featuring James Comey, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Jordan Peterson. Looking for more fireworks? Sean Hannity and James Carville (who called Politicon “the coolest” of the “pretty cool shit” he’s done in his life) will be going at it in “Point Counterpoint." This is just a taste of what Politicon 2019 has to offer—from debates and panels to book signings and Q&As, there will be something for everybody.
You may join other like-minded (and not-like-minded) individuals at Politicon 2019 this October 26 & 27 at the Music City Center in Nashville TN. 

Who the fuck would EVER wanna spend an "Evening with Al Franken” ?
'NJ man' is accused of doing 'doughnuts' on Trump's New Jersey golf course
The Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, suffered damages of more than $17,000, prosecutors said.
A New Jersey man has been charged with criminal mischief after police say he drove around President Donald Trump's New Jersey golf course doing "doughnuts" on the ground.
Richard J. McEwan, 26, is accused of driving his Ford compact car onto the green at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, on two separate dates, causing more than $17,000 in damages, the Somerset County Prosecutor's office said.

Richard J. McEwan, 26, was arrested Tuesday at his Mildford, New Jersey home.

UPDATE: Just found out this is the same jerkoff who got busted for breaking in to Taylor Swift's house last week. Well played, dipshit!

An employee of the course initially spotted a Ford sedan on September 3 after hearing loud music playing. The vehicle was seen driving in circles on top of the 11th hole, prosecutors said. Last Sunday, police returned to the golf course when a witness reported seeing a blue Ford compact car with a Rutgers sticker driving in circles on the green of the 13th hole.
But that time, officers were given a partial license plate number for the vehicle and were told the car was driven by a "younger white male," prosecutors said.

Police identified McEwan's 2006 Ford Focus and arrested him at his Milford, New Jersey, home on Tuesday without incident. A spokesperson for the Trump Organization said in a statement on Tuesday that McEwan "will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law."
He was released pending a future court date, prosecutors said. 
Dealing with Brexit?
Such horse shit.

If you  didn't know Ireland was one island with two different countries, go back to grammar school. My brother Tom lives in Belfast, N. Ireland, which is part of the U.K. (You know - occupied by the Brits). He also has a small but very nice little cottage in Donegal County in the 'Republic of Ireland'. 

The 310mile-long border between the Republic and N. Ireland runs through Carlingford Lock on the East coast to Lough Foyle in the West, crossing fields and farmland, rivers and mountains, forest, lakes, towns and villages. Solving the issue around the border, by finding a solution to the controversial ‘backstop’, and avoiding a ‘No Deal’ Brexit, is seen as being the key to unlocking the 3-year long debate, which, as it stands, culminates on 31 October when the UK is set to leave the European Union.

There are no 'hard borders' to be found anywhere between the two countries. And so it should be. But the dickwads in Brussels that call themselves the 'EU' don't like this about Ireland. They say either you're (UK) part of the EU or we will treat you like any other foreign country.

Horse shit. There will never EVER be 'hard borders' between the two Irelands. Hell will freeze over first.

What the UK is saying by wanting to beat feet out of the EU is that home-rule matters, and fuck the idea of having a bunch of bureaucratic dickbags in Brussels tell  them how to run their country. GOOD FOR THEM. And good for Boris Johnson - the UK's equivalent of Donald Trump. Give 'em shit, Boris!

The talks just keep going around and around and around.


Wanna know more about Ireland? Read this:


It'll all be settled soon enough.
Or it won't.


When they're done.



Hurricane Dorian in North Carolina.






  1. I'd rather eat a plate of dog shit than go that Politicon thoing.

    The TDS people are really some serious mentally deranges people.


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...