Thursday, August 29, 2019

Waiting for the train

The freight train named Dorian will arrive at Station FuckMe sometime Monday Night...

It's tracking a bit more south now. We'll see


Not a big fan of this guy - can't figure out why not.


Might be us next week


That wouldn't deflate yer balls, would it...


Got one for my sister for her birthday. She loves it.


Level Five stupid.


Level 20 stupid. And that's on a scale that only goes to 10.


The crazier the concept, the better the joke.


Especially with Dan Piraro.


'Cause nobody wants to diddle a string bean, baby...


Okay. Enough.


Let me give ya a hand there sweetie...


There's a metaphor here.


1 comment:

  1. The horrible boat piloting was horrible. Wonder what the casualty count was.

    Seriously, just because your boat can go fast doesn't mean it should. Especially with no-one harnessed in.

    Pure Dumbassery, with a strong serving of criminal stupidity.


You wish...