Saturday, July 27, 2019

Once more with feeling...

I know I harp on this. I don't care.
Grand Funk is/was a GREAT band.


Grand Funk Railroad - I'm Your Captain - Live at Shea Stadium 1971

I had a chance to go to this show and I blew it off.
Shame on me.


Inside Looking Out 1969

This is the soundtrack of my High School life in Newark, NJ...

Mark Farner - a good guitar player/singer, Mel Schacher - a solid bass player, and Donnie Brewer on Drums. Brewer was stellar for the size of the kit he played on...


I was in love with Nancy Martinez

That's yours truly himself at the time.
She was amazing - and beautiful and crazy.


Me at 14. Go ahead ladies - drool...

At least I was tryin' to be cool. At least I was Trying - that was 1967!


Anyway, here's some more Funk if ya need it - the first album. If you've never experienced it, maybe now's the time...


  1. And yet the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame still hasn't inducted them in.

    That's a whole lotta stupid right there. One of the best late 60's bands, and they are continually ignored.

  2. But ABBA is in. That whole thing is a fucking joke.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


Here's another one from deep in the Playboy archives...

...      You still have time to find something nice for your wife or daughter. But you have to order it today to be sure it arrives on time....