Sunday, July 28, 2019

My Blog Manifesto

I do this because I truly enjoy it -
I hope you do too...

I do Facebook and I've dabbled with Instagram but honestly, it's gotten stupid out there with all the politics and other shit people post.

I do find a lot of stuff that I enjoy on here, and I share it in the hopes that you'll appreciate as well.

The harping over politics has destroyed people's ability to have any manner of reasonable discourse.
I don't care what you think of my politics as I sure as fuck don't care about yours, so...

One of the other things about Facebook that's stupid is selfies. Duck lip selfies. In the mirror selfies. Crazy dangerous selfies. People are jackasses selfies.

Know how many people die each year trying to take crazy selfies? 
Surely a lot, but probably not nearly enough.

Case in point? This moron.

Read the article here:


I could go on and on about what's wrong with social media.

What point could I make that you haven't realized already. People, for the most part, tend to be boring, repetitive and stupid.


'My grandmother died 32 years ago and I still miss her'
'Here's the 432nd picture of my cat'

'Here's a stupid meme I don't even understand'

'Here's the 853rd picture of my grandson (niece/daughter/whatever)'

'I can't function without coffee'

'Here's what I'm eating - eventually'

OKAY - and then there's this one. Woman has a picture of herself and you know for a FACT that she genuinely hideous but you don't say anything. Her girlfriends, however, will all tell her she's beautiful, and what a great pic it is and how she never gets any older and all that bullshit.

The  list of stupid, repetitive shit goes on and on.



That's enough. You get it 
(or at least I hope you do)

Let's just have a little fun here, okay?


  1. Raquel Welch oozes so much talent. Vastly under appreciated hips.

  2. A total package for sure. And aged well too


This drone shit is getting out of control...

Nobody knows - yet - who the jerkoff was that was flying a drone so close to a fire fighting plane yesterday, but ya can only hope somebody...