Monday, July 29, 2019

More morons - is that redundant?

More idiots trying to prove my theory - you can look pretty friggin' stupid trying to look cool. 

Y'all need to get over yourselves.


Somebody ain't gettin' laid tonight.


Might be staged but it's still stupid, right?


I can't even figure what this jackbone was trying to do.


It's almost impossible to be stupider 
than this maroon...


  1. "It's almost impossible to be stupider
    than this maroon...":
    Pretty much any under 30 Portlandian: "Hold my craft beer."

  2. Portlandian. Brilliant phrase craft.


You can have all the naked, noir, moody or suggestive pics you want. Pics of naked chicks are really not my cup of tea, but this is...

I still say this is one of the sexiest pictures  of a woman I've ever seen. Pictured is US Air Force Lt. Madison Marsh, who was also Mis...