Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Another post from another era

It's hard for me to believe I wrote this shit 10 years ago - and yet it's still appropriate!

This from my first attempt at blogging:

Civility suffers a mortal wound as duplicity reigns

September 27, 2009

I agree with Iowa Conservative politician Brent Hoffman.

He stated recently in one of his blogs that “Public debate hasn’t always been this way”. Historians report that when George Washington was a young man, he had written ‘110 rules of civility and decent behavior’. The Founding Fathers considered civility an ‘essential duty’ of citizens in our Constitutional Republic. He went on to say that “For citizens who may mourn the “death of civility,” we should know that the solution will be neither quick nor easy…but it is an effort worthy or our attention”. If our Nation becomes more divided, and less civil, the ‘silent majority’ will likely become less-involved, further yielding the public arena of debate to polarized and aggressive viewpoints. And as another author writes, “a nation experiencing both polarization and citizen apathy is a Nation at risk.”

In a span of five days, in three different fields, we’ve seen the death of civility in all its glory.  At the MTV Video Music Awards, Kanye West barged onstage at Radio City Music Hall, took the mike out of the hands of  Taylor Swift, and basically said Beyoncé should have won. Perhaps West had an excuse: He was seen guzzling a bottle of cognac in front of TV cameras earlier in the evening.  At the U.S. Open, Serena Williams berated a lineswoman in words that could make John McEnroe blush. She might have had an excuse: the defending champ was about to be bounced off Center Court.

Joe Wilson, congressman from South Carolina barked “You lie!” at President Obama in the middle of a joint session of Congress. His excuse seems the thinnest: He was caught “in the moment” and got carried away. He suddenly forgot he was in Congress, and channeled the blue seats at a Ranger game. Sure, happens all the time. In the second grade.

Wilson said he “was asked” by the Republican leadership to apologize. They made him do it!  They never made Harry Reid apologize for calling President Bush a liar. Only a day earlier President Obama lectured school kids about what it takes to be a success: Work hard, do the right thing, respect others. It’s pretty clear that Serena Williams and Kanye West and Joe Wilson missed the speech.

President Obama was heard calling Kanye West a “jackass.” We can only imagine what he had to say in private about the “distinguished gentleman” from South Carolina.

Look at what’s been happening in the country recently. Douchebag, dispicable, dimwitted, duplicitous, demogogic, Democratic (sorry for the alliteration, it was just too easy) leaders attack peaceful, law-abiding citizen protesters (the tea partiers and 9/12ers), reffering to them as ‘mobs’ and ‘nazis with swatsikas’, yet they fail to decrie the actions of the over-the-top anarchists whose behavior in Pittsburgh this week was abhorent and frightening.

House Speaker and National Disgrace Nancy Pelosi’s eyes watered up last week as she called for the “rhetorical heat to be turned down across the country”, and warned that such “words can lead to violence” – something she says she witnessed herself years ago in San Francisco. She said: “I think we all have to take responsibility for our actions and our words. We are a free country and this balance between freedom and safety is one that we have to carefully balance. I saw,” she added, choking up and displaying genuine crocodile tears, “I saw this myself in the late seventies in San Francisco. This kind of rhetoric was very frightening and it gave–it created a climate in which violence took place.”

Polish up the Oscar boys, there’s a noteworthy performance if ever there was one. Whudda bitch.
Harry Reid. Wudda guy. Harry wants energy independence, without drilling for oil or building new refineries. While harping on foreign energy dependence, Harry and his Harpies continue to block drilling in ANWR.

Ded Kennedy. Wudda guy. Ted wanted energy independence, but wouldn’t allow windfarms offshore from his ‘family compound’ because they’d fuck up his view.

There are hundreds more examples, but I can’t go on. I’m not gonna be civil if I continue to talk about these lying scumbags.


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Playing poker weith the boys tonight, so...

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