Tuesday, March 18, 2025

'Transitioning'? Yeah, the VA ain't in that business anymore...

“All eligible Veterans – including trans-identified Veterans – will always be welcome at VA and will always receive the benefits and services they’ve earned under the law. But if Veterans want to attempt to change their sex, they can do so on their own dime,” he added. Well played, Mr. Collins. Us veterans agree completely...

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  1. One if my nieces is an army nurse. With any other medical condition, if you cannot be deployed over seas for a year, you're medically discharged. Sex change operations blocks the individual from being deployed over a year. The Biden administration made an exemption to the rule for trans.

    When you're used to special treatment, being treated normally feels like discrimination.

  2. Disrespecting the flag is reason enough to deny benefits. Effem. Send them and their rainbow flags to A Muslim country with tall buildings.

  3. That is sad.
    A veteran's only option then is to become a murderer asking to be put in a women's prison in a blue state to get his sex change.


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