Tuesday, March 25, 2025

They usta say something about 'the blind leading the blind'. There's a new mantra nowadays.

 It's something like the idiots leading the idiots down 
idiotville road all the way to Idiot Town...   
It's almost impossible to believe that the loonie lefties wanna go farther left than they already are, but having AOC and Bernie out there leading their march to Dystopianburg certainly leaves us scratching our heads. If their 'new ideas' are represented by these two certifiable loons, they may not get back in to power for a decade or more. Light a candle to that thought...


Just another southern California lib idiot who doesn't know when to STFU. The “Barracuda” performer who usta be seriously hot - who's now 71 and definitely not anymore - made the controversial claim during an interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel earlier this month, but it finally started making waves on X Monday, March 24. Here's a thought, babe - how about you and your commie husband Cameron Crowe move to Ukraine or somewhere where we don't have to hear you any more. And while you're at it, take your tubby sibling with you.




What's not to love about that headline?

Absolute balls of fuckin' titanium. What an ego.

Dollar General is planning to close nearly 100 stores by 2026. The dollar store chain announced it would close 96 Dollar General locations and 45 pOpshelf locations. Although the store closings might seem like a bleak future for the company, Dollar General plans to open “575 new stores in the U.S. and up to 15 new stores in Mexico,” as well as remodel more than 4,000 existing stores. The closures also represent less than 1% of the dollar store chain’s overall footprint.
So - what's the takeaway from this? Simple - some of their stores aren't working out as well as they thought. Nothing more. It's not a statement about the economy or Amazon or anything else. In rural America, these stores are a godsend...


The Austin Police Department's bomb squad unit was deployed to the dealership, where they determined the devices were incendiary. Authorities collected the devices without incident. The FBI was assisting Austin police at the showroom. 
Can someone explain to me - or anyone, really, how doing stupid shit like this makes any sense, makes any kind of statement beyond 'I'm an asshole who likes to destroy other people's shit'. Juss' sayin'...

I can't get my head around AOC being minority leader...



Click on the picture for more information on this lovely bracelet

Major League Baseball's proper Opening Day is set for Thursday, March 27, with 14 games starting at 3 p.m. ET.






  1. I would have thought that Florida should be more worried about the drones fleeing California and bringing their politics with them.

  2. I vote that we pack Nancy Wilson off to Venezuela....

  3. Gavin Newscum traded his balls to the devil for power.


'Twelfth base'?