Thursday, March 20, 2025

Start a gofundme for Louie Pasteur. He deserves it...

It's called 'Pasteurizing' for a reason. Louis Pasteur was a French scientist and microbiologist who revolutionized the fields of medicine, agriculture, hygiene, and biology. He's credited with establishing the germ theory of disease, developing the food preservation process of pasteurization (named after him), and creating vaccines for rabies and anthrax. 
Think the guy who came up with Homogenizing was a gay groomer? 
Asking for a friend...

You can buy her something elegant
 without breaking the bank...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:


  1. Sorry, I don't trust their tests. Doesn't anybody remember how unreliable the covid tests were where motor oil, orange juice, etc. were giving false positives?

  2. More likely another attack on raw milk by the state.

  3. Which politician(s) or democrat protest group intentionally infected the milk?

  4. I can't believe that you would openly promote their LIES, not just about bird flu, but about raw milk...likely one of the healthies and most nutritious foods on the planet. Yes, milk produced in feed lot dairies with overcrowded conditions with animals fed grains not grass, etc is TEEMING with pathogens that must be killed. But that is NOT the case with raw milk producers. I was raised in California drinking ONLY raw milk from Alta Dena dairy. The state was routinely banning its sale and finally the dairy won a HUGE judgment against the state for their decades-long, LIE FILLED persecution of the company and raw milk. Pasteurized milk is DEAD and filled with the dead bodies of pathogens along with their toxins.

  5. How much money were the inspectors getting from USAID?


The roots of March Madness revealed. Sorta...

In Louisville, Kentucky, Damon Stinson says his dad, Bob, came up with the idea of creating individual brackets in the 1970s, inspired by a ...