Tuesday, March 25, 2025

In honor of the bravest...

Every March 25th our nation honors and celebrates all of the brave men and women who've served and sacrificed for our country, and yes - there is one woman honoree. 
The only woman to ever receive the Medal of Honor is Dr. Mary Edwards Walker, a Civil War surgeon.  
The CMOH Society has a website with all the recipients and the story of the organization. You'll find it here.
I was not aware until today that there are different designs for the different branches of service. Were you?

Click on the picture for more information on this lovely bracelet


  1. Douglas Monroe is the only Coast Guard member to receive the MOH, I'm guessing he received the Navy version.

  2. Yes I read the ladys name and scrolled up to the photo. geeesh

    1. Learn more about Mary Edwards Walker in Destiny's Daughter, Apprentice House Press. Her philosophy parallels the goals of women today. Recognize your self worth, plan a career and learn to listen.

  3. I think those medals should be more elaborate and show soldiers in battle.


Sooner or later, we all...