Thursday, February 13, 2025

What does a 19-year-old know about just about anything?

Think for minute about what you're seeing here. It's a protest outside the government agency who's supposed sole purpose is to protect people from scams and abuse. Okay, now, you also have the protestors protesting AGAINST a government agency who's sole purpose is, seemingly,  to wipe out corruption, abuse and mismanagment of your tax dollars. 
Now, finally, think about what a 19-year-old might know about anything the government can and will do. This fuckin' toadie might still be a virgin ferfucksakes, so why is he/she/whoever protesting something that should be in their best interest? I'll wait over here for your answers...


When people like her are in positions of influence and 
geniune power, it's for sure we're living in dangerous times.




News sources are reporting today that more than 230,000 people have signed a tongue-in-cheek retaliatory petition calling for Denmark to purchase California in response to President Trump’s growing desire to acquire Greenland. 
The Denmarkification campaign pokes fun at Trump’s famous slogan — and his repeated calls to expand America’s territory — as it aims to raise “$1 trillion (give or take a few billion)” in crowdfunding and 500,000 signatures to “Måke Califørnia Great Ægain.” “Let’s buy California from Donald Trump!” the petition states. 
Shit - not only will I sign that petition, I'd be willing to make donations to a fund-drive to finance it. Good riddance to the Land of Fruits and Nuts, fersure...


Umbria is a truly magical region of Italy. And yes - I have walked down this very street. On a night almsot exactly like this...

Man - what a stoner's delight! This is for real - a live, 24/7 broadcast of the Earth as the International Space Station does it's thing. The International Space Station is 260 miles above the planet in a low earth orbit.  It takes 90 minutes for the ISS to complete one orbit around the earth.  
During that time it passes into the dark side of the earth for 1/2 the time.  During the dark period, you'll be able to view lightning storms and the light from towns and cities.  Regularly, the ISS will stop transmitting due to a connection loss but will come back up automatically once it establishes the connection again. The picture will switch to simulation of where the ISS is above earth when the connection is lost.  


Agents from the newly-formed Office of Government Efficiency prepare to 
go over the books at Democratic Party Headquarters. Film at 11:00...


Yeah - this is the kinda shit I did on a regular basis, six-days-a-week. Believe me when I tell ya' I genuinely don't miss it, not matter how good the money was...

Your significant other is special.
She'd probably love to have this...

Click on the picture above for information on this bracelet
It's one of a kind and only $45.00 with free shipping.  



  1. In regards to the Denmark/Greenland/California topic...I propose we do a one for one swap - California for Greenland.

    1. When Denmark sees how much corruption and just plain stupid crap goes on here they'll wish they'd kept their mouths shut.

    2. Just got a letter from the ceo of the public electric company. Electric rates are going UP because electric use is going DOWN. Last year we were getting letters saying we were using TOO MUCH electricity so we cut back. Our reward is way higher electric bills. Who wants a state that's this stupid.

  2. The 19 year old against DOGE? It's probably just a job....

    1. Yep rent-a-mob. Paid by our gov't to keep the corruption going. You can also get rent-a-judge and rent-an-assassin.

  3. Abe is just fine. He doesn't need the penny; he's got the Five-Spot.

  4. Ref Denmark buying California... Don't threaten us with a good time. Is there somewhere we can vote to approve this? Maybe even support a GoFundMe to help them pull it off?

  5. Those were Model 1921 Thompsons that first came on the market in 1923. For -$175- you too could go to your local hardware store or gun shop and order one. No federal license required. For -$200- you could get one with a Cutts Compensator on the end of the barrel. Unfortunately in 1934 the feds started requiring an approved license to purchase one.

  6. "When people like her are in positions of influence and geniune power, it's for sure we're living in dangerous times."

    Fsck that antisemitic Hamas loving cnut!

  7. The only 19 year old that I trust is wearing a US military uniform.
