Tuesday, February 4, 2025

This is chicken shit on their part...

 If you live in a cave or haven't been paying attention, you might think  this editorial cartoon is right somehow...   

When the reality is, the reason we're paying crazy numbers for eggs 
- I paid $ 4.69 for a dozen yesterday at ALDI - is because Joe Biden's FDA had 110 milliion egg-layers killed to prevent an outbreak of Bird Flu. They ordered that instead of allowing the farmers to use a vaccine. Yup, there was a vaccine available, but they wouldn't let the producers use it because if they did, they couldn't ship eggs overseas to a couple of countries. Biden's administration - those vaccine-happy dooshbags wouldn't approve the use of a vaccine - go figure. How fuckin' insanely stupid is that knee-jerk reaction? The decision was probably made by some DEI jerkoff somewhere. Juss' sayin'...



This was yesterday. We're finally back to Florida 
being Florida. Last week we had a freeze warning.



Talking to anyone who'd listen outside the USAid headquarters in DC, Ilhan Omar, the turban-head Demorat of Minnesota, accused Trump and Musk of attempting to “take away the constitutional power of Congress”, which has the authority to allocate federal funds. The other two morons also chimed in, but none of them could spell 'plutocratic', so they went home.








Etsy featured this bracelet in their
 Valentines Day Facebook ad yesterday!
Barb is very proud...

Click on the picture for more information on this lovely bracelet
It's only $ 35.00 - and it comes to you with free shipping!


  1. I am confused with what the "History of MLB Relocations" chart is all about.

    1. How about an explanation to my question instead of what you wrote? JEEZ!!!

    2. Dear Confused, Google is your friend. It's sort of like an encyclopedia only easier to use.

  2. What's going on according to some folks.
    Once you realize that the UN Agenda 2030 is part of the NWO plan to take over the world, it makes sense. How? By degrabing all governments and Institutions, dumbing down the population by Communism, feminism, Allahism, hedonism, queerism, Sustainable Greenism (environmentalism), DEIism, etc. Why? To weaken any opposition. To what end? Reduce the world of "useless eaters" so (((They))) can introduce (((Their))) utopia. Won't (((They))) lose a shit ton of money?!?! Yes, but it doesn't matter to (((Them))), they already have more money than God and money is just a tool to obtain ultimate power. They want power, for the sake of power, not to make more money. Some research (red pill) is required for curious minds, everybody else, take your Soma (blue pill, sportsball or whatever) and go back to your regular routine. You'll be able to do that until you can't.
    Have a nice rest of the day/life.

  3. But vaccines don't work, the chickens will get autism.


If she represents the core value of their party, they may not be back in the White House for quite a while...

The poll, conducted March 6-9 among approximately 500 Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents, resulted in the far-left congresswoman co...