Sunday, February 2, 2025

Answering questions no one asked is the hardest part of my job here. Like this nugget...

Water is a precious resource on the ISS, so washing clothes with water isn't an option. Astronauts only bring a small amount of clothes, so they wear the same items for multiple days. Dirty clothes are sealed in plastic bags and packed into cargo vehicles that burn up in the atmosphere. 
NASA and Procter & Gamble (P&G) are working together to develop laundry detergent solutions for space. P&G has tested Tide To-Go Wipes and Pens in space, and is also developing a washer-dryer combo. NASA and other partners have looked into special antimicrobial clothes to make them last longer.
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  1. everybody naked, problem solved

  2. I would think that humans, as they metabolize food, would produce lots and lots of water.

  3. Why not expose to vacuum regularly?


I could stay forever...