Psychologists on the study said the results were surprising because academics often presume the global trend for older men in married and cohabiting couples mirrors the preferences of both partners.
The researchers analysed questionnaires completed by more than 6,000 blind daters who used a matchmaking service to fix them up with a potential long-term partner. Overall, men and women were equally more attracted to younger dates, at least after the first meeting, the authors report in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Fuck - I coulda toldja that before you spent ten cents on the report.
What younger woman would wanna be with an old fart like me? Jeez...
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All other things being equal, sure. But older men have more resources on average. Which appeals to the hypergamy in most women. Older women ... help me out here. What do they bring to the deal?
ReplyDeleteThis isn't complicated. Women choose older men for their resources and younger men for the sex. Frequently at the same time. They will of course lie about it but it's what they do. If you are an older man with a younger physically attractive wife the odds are extremely high she's cheating on you.
ReplyDeleteWhat younger woman? A gold digger, of course. Duh.
ReplyDeleteDepends on how much money ya got.
ReplyDeleteCompletely ignored gold diggers and sugar daddy's.
ReplyDeleteWomen have figured out that 20 goes into 40 far more times than 50 goes into 40.
ReplyDeleteWell, fwiw, I married an older man (I was about 30, he was about 50) because he'd been my best business asset, then best friend, and it seemed like the logical next step. We had been dating people who were demographically appropriate. None of them was Mr. or Ms. Right. So after a few years of working together and sitting with each other's relatives in hospitals and so on, we finally considered the possibility of being a couple, and it worked. Except that he'd been divorced during a cancer scare; it had seemed like a false alarm but actually been a more insidious kind of cancer, and after about ten good years it came back. I didn't think seriously about cheating. If he'd been in hospice longer I might have rationalized it, but that's not the way things happened.
ReplyDeleteCan older men satisfy younger women's sexual desires? Like our need to shift the focus away from sex for three-quarters of the month and relate to people with the other parts of our being? Younger men probably can't. Older men can. (I said "our." Hah. It's been a few 25 or 30.)
Once widowed, was I interested in younger men? I've noticed some cute ones. I've also noticed how men who've married older women talk about them to younger women. I am not interested in younger men. If you're under 60, don't ask.
Pris cilla King