Monday, January 20, 2025

Have you ever been in a 'snug'?

 'Snugs' are a unique feature at the Crown Pub 
in Belfast, No. Ireland...

The snugs are unique in Belfast. Private 'wee' sitting booths were you can sit and eat and drink in privacy just by closing the door. Their popularity is such that you now need to reserve a snug for your visit, but are ocassionaly empty and available depending on the time of day you vist. They were built by Italian craftsman who were working on the churches and the shipyards in Belfast in the 1880’s. Designed to give privacy to ladies and high society who maybe didn’t want to be seen in pubs at that time, they're a must see if you ever find yourself in downtown Belfast. I've been there dozens of times. 
If you do go, and Michael - the 'head caskmaster' - is there (usually during the day), tell him Joe and Barbara said hi!


Here's a great idea for a gift for 
that special person in your life... 
Click on the picture for more information on this lovely bracelet
It's only $ 35.00 - and it comes to you with free shipping!

Valentines Day isn't that far away, ya know...

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