Saturday, January 25, 2025

Do you suffer from 'exploding head syndrome'?


Exploding head syndrome (EHS) is a rare sleep disorder that causes people to hear loud noises or feel like their head is exploding while falling asleep or waking up. It's considered a benign condition that's not dangerous to your health. 
Symptoms: Sudden loud noises that are brief and jarring, Noises described as a gunshot, explosion, or door slamming, Flashes of light,Fear, confusion, and distress,Abrupt awakening
Causes: The exact cause is unknown, but some theories include:Increased activity in the brain's sensory neurons, Damage to the inner ear, Abnormal attention processing during sleep-wake transition
Treatment: Antidepressants like clomipramine, Calcium channel blockers, Anxiety-relieving activities like yoga, reading, listening to music, or taking a warm bath
Prognosis: EHS is usually infrequent and benign, but can sometimes become chronic. With treatment and time, episodes may stop.
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  1. I had a full blown Tonic Clonic seizure a few years ago that very nearly killed me and had EHS on and off for a few years afterward. It is extremely frightening but has since cleared up. Had a minor one a few weeks ago but nothing like the big ones. You don't want this, trust me.

  2. Tru Dat. Not as much now I'm older, but it's like a hammer striking a steel table.


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