Saturday, November 23, 2024

What's a car ad without any cars in it? A huge BudLight-like clusterfuck...

Try to imagine how many people had to be involved 
in the development and creation of this 'ad'...  

That sound you just heard was my brain banging around inside my skull because I can't stop shaking my head. WTF are these people thinking?





This is wild. Try and figure out how and why whoever it was that took this video just happened to be recording this building at the exact time that Israeli missile blew the motherfucker up. That can NOT be just a coincidence. 
If for any reason you can't view this short clip here, it comes from this story in the Post.





Yeah - these two jerkoffs (especially her) who spent the better part of the last year callinh him Hitler and a fascist and all kindsa other crazy shit and then go to his house for lunch? I bet they hadda eat a lot of there own shit to balls up to go there. Somebody on the radio yesterday they were forced to go by their MSDNC bosses. Is this what they were talking about when they sid that politics makes for strange bedfellows?


This came up in a cool kinda conversation with a buddy of mine last night at the bar. Would Trump be able - by Presidential decree or executive order - be able to deny any or all of these so-called sanctuary cities and states all manner of federal funding? I said no - it would take an act of congress to do so, my buddy disagreed. Any of you legal eagle dudes out there have a ruling on this?

Here's a nice idea for a simple gift
that she'd really appreciate.
Remember, Christmas is coming soon...
Click on the picture for more information on this unique bracelet.
It's only $ 35.00 and that price includes free shipping!

Yeah - that showed up as a comment on a picture I posted on Fakebook the other day. 
Seriously - do people actually fall for that kinda ridiculous bullshit?



  1. For the most part, all the places on the "where people actually go" retirement list do not have anything close to a real winter...

    1. Well, sorta. Tennessee really does have four seasons, and can have real winter. It just USUALLY doesn't last too long (3 months of cold or so) and USUALLY you're not snowed in for more than 2-4 days more than once or maybe twice a season. But you can be. A winter or so ago, Knoxville was basically at a dead stop for about two weeks and for most of that time we were absolutely housebound- roads impassible. And then there was the year the power was out for 5-6 days, no heat except for a fireplace. We're from Minnesota (thankfully!) and to be honest, we've been 'snowed in' and otherwise trapped by the weather much more in Tn than ever up North. The upside is, no 'mud season'. Tn is good from April 1 to Dec 1; March is iffy but getting better. So, three months of winter or something like it.

  2. Nobody retires to West Virginia and Delaware because it snows there, every winter.

  3. Sorry, no revolutions going on in 1621......

    1. Beginnings of the English Civil War date back to before 1621. One of the reasons for the Puritans heading to Holland and then to America was due to religious persecution. The 30 Years War had been going on for 3 years already, which was basically a series of religious/political wars that destroyed the Germanies, messed up France, led to the aforementioned English Civil War, even causing conflicts as far as China.

      Lots of revolutions and religious conflicts going on.

  4. I would submit that the 'best places to retire' list is the one where people actually go. You can be certain that they thought about it, weighed all the pros and cons, looked at taxes, services, etc etc and then decided where to spend their money. All of the academic ratings, all of the 'best for' whatevers in the opinion of some undocumented journalist, are worth nothing. Show me a decision backed by money and action.

    1. What made this list so good is the reality list is right next to it!
      Winter is a regularly scheduled natural disaster that you can miss if you want to...

  5. That is a bomb, 2000lb, with a JDAM kit on it, taking out the building. Sounds like fabric being torn just before it hits.

  6. Any "sanctuary city " should be turned into the holding camps for every illegal about to be deported. And they should not get any federal funds to handle those illegals. You want 'em, you got 'em. And you pay for 'em.

  7. Photographers at the right place, right time is not a coinkydink. The Israels warn their victims before dropping bombs. All those highly accomplished bestiality practicing inbreds were in place, cameras rolling, hoping they were in the right place at the right time. Looks like one of them was.


What - a doll...